I've rethought my "resonable at $25" comment. That price is likely not a 2cnd day delivery, which I associate with FdEx.
IMO handling a 1'sq.-5lb box for $5 a day at a "ground" rate of speed should still be viable.
The cost seems high when you look at the last ten years. Their fuel cost low, & their business more plentiful from the ever increasing amount of online shipping being done, has outpaced any regulatory setbacks, all new & minor if they exist at all. They should be bordering the edge of fat cat already.
There is a gross imbalance somewhere when you can have to pay as much to ship something "normal" & small as you do to manufacture or buy it.
In the workplace today everywhere, there is also a huge increase in the gross, negligent, acceptance for the term "***k it". I'd get you fired or meet you at the bar to "discuss it" for pulling a lateral. Service is a duty, not just a job.
Could also be the discounts offered the high volume shippers are being paid for by us now. ..Two liters of soda and whole gallons of milk being cheaper than their half or quarter sized counterparts seems odd too, but it is the perfectly rational business sense of today's management
I never could tell if the hand or the shell held the beans either. But always thought it funny when suspicious knuckles got cracked.