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As a New Haven fan Weaver came though big time with the I4 and I5 steamers as well as the Bradley coaches. Pictured here is the I4 Pacific with a consist of Weaver baggage cars and coaches. Both steamers went back for minor repairs. One my own doing. Talked to Gary over the phone as to what was going on with them. You couldn't beat them for service. They surely will be missed.







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(Previously posted)

I've been in the hobby since 2003, but have acquired a lot of Weaver products. Thank you for the trip, it's been wonderful.  Here are some of Weaver's products, my layout.

Baldwin Pennsy BP20


Alco C630's


Canadian Pacific Hudson.


Pennsy E-8's


Grand Canyon #29






Pennsy C1 0-8-0


Pennsy M1a/b 4-8-2  I believe one of their first brass offerings.


Pennsy H10  2-8-0


Pennsy L1s Mikado




Alco RSD 12


Pennsy G5 4-6-0


Pennsy A5 0-4-0


It's been a wonderful experience.  There is also a lot of Weaver rolling stock, coal cars and accessory parts. 

Thank you,

Michael C. Thompson




Last edited by Mike CT

I'll post some pics soon. I have 9 years worth of club cars totaling thirty nine, going back to April of 07. Some are three car sets, and some are six.I have posted several to one thread or another in the past. Each was modeled after a fallen flag from a different part of the country. Members of our group helped in the selection and design process, including dedicated or humorous text specific to our group. I have had a great relationship with all the folks at Weaver, making many trips down, to work out details for our cars, or to drop off various loads, or to pick some engines or rolling stock. It's been great Joe, Gary, Peg, Suzy, Cathy, Todd, Luchia, Kelly, and anyone I may have missed. All the best.


I've come full-circle with Weaver. When I started with Weaver products, they came 2-rail and I had to convert them to 3-rail. Now when I get them, they're 3-rail and I'm converting them to 2-rail. Kind of ironic in a way.


This one arrived yesterday. Won it on eBay last week.



Two of six Weaver 57-foot Mechanical Reefers I had two-railed. Installed the appropriate Weaver-supplied shock-control couplers. I just ordered five more sets of couplers even though I don't have the cars to put them on yet.

2015-05-02 15.19.43

Four Weaver 40-foot frameless tank cars -- "Sinclair Oils". Switched over the 2-rail wheels and Kadee couplers.

2015-01-21 19.23.18


OGR Commemorative cars, one autographed by the OGR staff. All switched over to 2-rail wheels and Kadee couplers.

2014-10-08 18.50.22

2014-10-08 18.50.13

2014-10-08 18.49.15


I have several more cars for which I don't have photos handy -- probably about 30-40 more in boxes at home. They're mostly hopper cars -- ACF center flow hoppers (the first ones I bought), PS2's and high-side PS4427 grain hoppers with a few Stock cars. I donated a couple dozen cars to the club layout several years ago because I wasn't using them, so they're now layout rolling stock that the members use when they want to run but don't feel like hauling a bunch of cars down.


Images (6)
  • Weaver-OGR-2009
  • 2015-05-02 15.19.43
  • 2015-01-21 19.23.18
  • 2014-10-08 18.50.22
  • 2014-10-08 18.50.13
  • 2014-10-08 18.49.15

When the first posts regarding Weaver closing appeared here on the forum I started to post these pictures on the "Glad it didn't sell" thread.  I tried to sell all of these cars in the past and probably still will but I will wait a while to see if they become instant collectables.    



Weaver Reefers




Weaver Tour Cars




Weaver PRR Hopper




Images (3)
  • Weaver Reefers
  • Weaver Tour Cars
  • Weaver PRR Hopper
Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER

Here are a few. Looking through my photos, I'm surprised at how few Weaver pictures there are, as I have a lot of Weaver locomotives and rolling stock.


Milwaukee Road S3 Northern with K-Line express reefers and heavyweight passenger cars. Weaver made this brass Northern several years before Lionel came out with the Legacy version.



Top: Weaver Little Joe with K-Line Passenger Train.  Second Shelf: Weaver Hiawatha Atlantic with Matching Weaver Scale Cars.  Third Shelf: MTH Hiawatha 4-6-4 with Weaver Scale Passenger Cars.



Three views of the Weaver F6a Hudson, which I consider the best brass engine in my collection. Cars in the third photo are MTH.





Weaver Brass John Wilkes, converted to DCS.

John Wilkes 1


SP&S Boxcar



Set of E-units redecorated to Milwaukee Road.

Weaver E8-1


Pair of U25B's.

Weaver MILW U25B Pair


West India Boxcar



Images (10)
  • Northern_GPD_1
  • Wall_2
  • F6a_1
  • F6a_3
  • F6a_museum1
  • John Wilkes 1
  • Weaver E8-1
  • Weaver MILW U25B Pair
  • WI_Fruit_BC

As of yesterday, Weaver items have become - wait for it - COLLECTIBLE! Not just the brass

(that's always been sweet), but even those plastic-trucked, simple boxcars. The prices will not reflect it for a while, but there will be no more "Weaver cars".


There are 2 brass Weaver steamers that I was considering selling...maybe I'll re-think that; not for the eventual "profit" (right...), but where else can I get 3-rail O brass steam locomotives? Oh yeah - ONE other place. For more money.


It will be a slow climb, but it's been a while since I've seen "bargain K-Line" items (except the K-Line items that were low-end to begin with).


I fear that the "critical mass" O-gauge-customer issue has truly arrived. I mean, my main "dealer" is DaBay. Full-scale steam locomotives for $200 (with PS1, for sure, but still beautiful machines).


I hope that I'm wrong; I hope "someone" buys Weaver intact (if I could, I would - then I'd get to figure out how to "run a business" Yikes!).





The Little Joe ( factory TMCC/RS) -was- for sale; now, I'm re-thinking:


 DRGW M-64 4-8-4 and a bit of a Weaver NKP Hudson:


 Weathered Valley Flyer 1369:



The other Valley Flyer (1376), as de-streamstyled (pretty much):  



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  • DSCN0876
  • DSCN0846
  • DSCN0345
  • DSCN0332
Last edited by D500

Here my Weaver Reading G1:



To my knowledge this is the only scale model of the Reading G1/G2 Pacific that has been made.


Still want to get a Weaver Reading Crusader set.  Hope someone has the molds for the troop cars as they to have never been mass produced in O scale by another manufacturer.



Last edited by jd-train

This war emergency gon might be my only weaver car on the railroad right now. I have numerous Weavers in boxes from when I was into more modern stuff. 

But what I will really miss is the scalecoat paint. I've been using it almost exclusively for 30 years. There is just something about how smooth it sprays on, and stays on. 

USH F45's that I painted when I was 15.

All Nation F-3's

Walthers mixed train caboose and SC&F BX-12

And on the workbench now the MG Mike that I bought off ebay recently, painted last week.

They will be missed.



I've had pretty good luck with the Weaver brass, I have less issues getting them to run reliability than some other brands of older brass locomotives. 


Here's a couple of the Weaver pieces I have, The Reading G2sa came with TMCC and I added cruise, fan driven smoke, and of course a Super-Chuffer.


Weaver Reading G2sa 4-6-2


This M1a is a more recent arrival, but it's going to get the same treatment.


Weaver M1A PRR Mountain N1

Weaver M1A PRR Mountain N2

Weaver M1A PRR Mountain N3


Finally, the Weaver FEF, this is another really nice model, it steps in when the VL-BB is in the shop.


Weaver Brass UP FEF N2


Images (5)
  • Weaver M1A PRR Mountain N1
  • Weaver M1A PRR Mountain N2
  • Weaver M1A PRR Mountain N3
  • Weaver Reading G2sa 4-6-2
  • Weaver Brass UP FEF N2

Weaver steam locomotives that I have converted to PS-2 including MTH smoke units. These are good runners and some of them are especially unique, because no other manufacture produced them. The Crusader and John Wilkes passenger cars are also Weaver. Next up for conversion is a Santa Fe Valley Flyer. Weaver will be missed and their customer service was among the best that I have ever experienced.


Eric Hofberg









Images (6)
  • IMG_4999: John Wilkes, Reading Crusader, Milwaukee Road Hudson
  • IMG_5000: Santa Fe Blue Goose
  • IMG_5001: U.P. 49'er
  • IMG_5002: C.P. Royal Hudson
  • IMG_5003: B&O Cincinnatian
  • IMG_5004: PRR Streamlined K-4s
Last edited by chug

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