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A wild guess would be NJI. They made a good variety of high quality brass signals in multiple scales for years. These look very scale like. I have a few somewhere that have incandescent bulbs. I believe they were rated 12 to 14v. I remember running them with nine. They did offer their later production with LED’s. There should be visible resistors present if they are. You may have to just use a meter to figure out the wiring. Then use batteries or a good dc transformer to power them up and then mark the wires. Just start with a low voltage to be safe.
I’d search the big auction site or Trainz and see if they pop up or something similar. You can still find them even though they have been out of business for a while. Another source.  . I bought some NJI crossbucks signals from them not that long ago. They do carry signals in multiple scales and still stock some NJI’s. Their main business is circuits to trigger them. You might find some info there.

My only other guess. Would be Terry Christopher. Custom Signals. He also sold high quality signals. I believe he retired a few years ago.

Last edited by Dave_C

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