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Originally Posted by bbsfdl60:

Does anyone know can you turn off a ps3 smoke unit with the commander.  Is the smoke control through the remote the same as the DCS in that you cannot regulate the smoke with the pot because the DCS is overriding it?


The Remote Commander does not give you on/off or smoke level control.  When the PS3 (or PS2) engine starts up under a Remote Commander, it should assume the setting of the pot.  But there appears to be an issue with PS3 engines as described in this current thread:


To turn off PS3 smoke, you should be able to manually set the pot to the off/min position...and when you start up the engine the smoke should be off.  Assuming you have this problem, I suggest you add a comment in the above thread with your engine type.  I'd think providing MTH with a list of PS3 engines exhibiting this might help to isolate the issue.


And, yes, once under DCS command control including via the Remote Commander, the pot itself is ignored.

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