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"SMOKE CLOUD" Smoke Fluid 72 Hr. SALE (SAVE 20%)


OGR FORUM MEMBERS ONLY: 8:00 AM (EST) 05-01-2015 until 8:00 AM (EST) 05-04-2015

Beginning this morning 05-01-15 and ending on 05-04-15 we are offering a 20% discount to OGR forum members only on an 8oz. bottle of our "SMOKE CLOUD" brand smoke fluid. Most have never seen huge amounts of smoke produced from their operating smoke units that require a liquid smoke fluid. NOW IS THE TIME.

     After purchasing an 8oz. bottle of our"SMOKE CLOUD" fluid at our web site use code "OGR-SC20" in the INSTRUCTIONS TO MERCHANT SECTION and we will refund 20% of the purchase price. Remember this offer SHIPPING VIA USPS PRIORITY MAIL IS FREE in CONUS.

     We are shipping your order in two (2) 4oz. bottles so this would also be a good time to share this with friends that also want an ABUNDANCE OF SMOKE PRODUCED FROM THEIR ENGINES.

     Please use link below to get to the SALE



Thank you all for your continuing support. With your help we can smoke up the whole world (model train wise).

Dave, LBR

Last edited by CUSTOM "O" DECALS
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I've seen the videos and the fluid appears to work well and I am considering buying it. It may be the greatest product out there but any product needs extensive field testing to insure that it is safe, doesn't gum up (or harm smoke units), isn't highly flammable and doesn't void warrantees.  Your product may be as good or better but model railroaders put fluid in very expensive products and need some assurances that the product is safe and not harmful to smoke units. 



     Just because the sale is over doesn't mean that we have stopped selling SC fluid. You can purchase SC at any time day or night at our web site


     If you local hobby shop doesn't have SC on the shelf please have them contact us and we will work with them to supply you with the HIGHEST VOLUME  smoke fluid on the market,  "SMOKE CLOUD" brand from LBR Enterprises,llc.

Dave, LBR

Last edited by CUSTOM "O" DECALS
I got my 2oz bottle in the mail today so I had to test it out before I came into work. My Legacy Cab Forward has been sitting for a few weeks since my last run with the Lionel fluid, so I knew it was dry.

I added 100 drops of Smoke Cloud Fluid.... yes 100 drops. I know it will hold 120 easily.

WOW... looked like Jeff Spicoli had been hanging out in my bar with his buds for a couple hours. I ran it for 20 minutes before I had to leave for work. When I went to the game room to shut it down, the entire hallway, game room and bar rooms were a haze. Now its only 500-600 sq ft, and I was running with EFX at MAX, but that stuff definitely puts out the most smoke, and my wife said it doesn't smell too bad. Not nearly as bad as the Lionel fluid.

My only question/concern is the bottle says FLAMMABLE..... what happens when someone runs their unit dry and burns the batting up. Will the embers catch it on fire from the residue in the stack?

This stuff will definitely draw some attention at your club or the next train show!
To me, I wouldn't call it as being better than the other... I would say each has a purpose. If you want good smoke with a nice scent in the air... well Mega Steam is the only one scented with various flavors. If you wanna put on a show with smoke output... this Smoke Cloud will definitely do that, and as I stated, wasn't too bad on the wife's sniffer. The Lionel fluid smokes great as well, BUT smells horrible and gets worse according to the wife.

I'll use all 3 and continue to buy all 3. For running at the clubs, Smoke Cloud is the choice for public viewing as it will draw a lot of attention. The general public seems to really enjoy lots of sound and lots of smoke.
"Not sure how it will hold up".... not sure what you mean by that. I put it in an engine that previously had Lionel fluid in it. Im pretty sure it was dry, or almost dry when I added the Smoke Cloud. Works just like the other fluids, just creates more smoke volume.

I wouldn't hesitate, just buy some and try it. I may do a future video with an engine burning Smoke Cloud Fluid, but don't have time right now. I will use it the same as I did the other brands, 60 drops or 100 drops..... just depends on the engine and smoke unit. You just have to keep that batting wet, no matter which brand you use.

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