I have the new 6-11332 at&sf 3751 Northern,
ok I added 20 drops to both smoke units let it sit over night, added another 10 drops and let it sit a half hour this morning. stack smoke and steam smoke nothing coming out of either area. so I did a reset on cab-2 engine sounded accepting it. I checked both switches are on position and smoke set to high.
I started it up again blew down all stacks and main smoke stack worked ran it for 10 minutes and finally the steam smoke was working. then both needed more fluid so turned both off and filled let it run again for 2 minutes then turned on main smoke stack and it works fine steam whistle back to DOA is there some reason for this not working right away is it a warm up issue after being off for a few minutes?
I have blown down both holes till I'm blue in the face so for those that have this engine can you provide me some helpful information as to always have it work.
thanks for any help on this.
by the way I used the pipette and gave it a few puffs of air after filling with fluid down both stacks all 3 times.
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