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I think I was able to download it to my computer using Firefox.  Wanted to see if I could listen to it. I want frieght sounds but the list didn't offer a description which was surprising because I thought my NYC Mohawk PS2 could have either. I haven't been able to play the file to find out but suspect it is the passenger sounds which is what already is on my engine. Thanks for your response. This engine I believe is around 1997.

GGG posted:[0]=field_product_classification%3A7042&f[1]=field_product_line%3A4043&f[2]=field_roadname%3A3456


You have a few options.  30-1493-1 is Passenger.


Thanks. The only thing more frustrating to me than computers is the MTH website. Love their trains,but hate navigating their website. Almost enough to make me look at ......well you know that "L" company.






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