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Where is the best source for undecorated box & tank cars? Our Historical Society is looking at a possible fund raiser and/or would like to build a "local train" that features train cars for the businesses in town from the last century? We are not looking for "rivet counter" cars. Just your basic injection molded units.

Thanks in advance-

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Absolutely Weaver! They are so nice to talk to and they will set up tours and you can speak directly with the people who make and paint the cars. You can even make purchases on site, I have gotten some nice sale prices on previously run stock they still have last time I stopped in. I'm kinda lucky since they are 40 mins from me tops.

Weaver really does make a nice product. I contacted them yesterday & a run of 100 custom cars is $39 each. In our demographic, I could not sell them for more then $50 each, (we are rural & a generally depressed area). I asked them about undecorated cars, hoping I didn't need such a quantity & they were $47 each... If I bought the 100, I must sell 79 to break even. Selling 79 in our community would be a tough creek to paddle, and selling all of them would only give us about $1100 profit, (minus shipping charges from Weaver) So I guess I am off looking for an additional source for revenue. We are raising money for our layout, which we display free of charge. See the 4th "orchid" on this editorial

I just thought the locals would purchase up local cars, however, with that limited demographic, you rather isolate yourself from the ability to sell to "out of towners". If there are any other railroad type fundraiser ideas, we are open to suggestions. Thanks in advance-

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