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This may seem like an obtuse observation, but I think it was, or is, a really good idea to get trains running right away.  That makes the layout fun right away.  The rest is gravy.  Too many guys get lost or buried with complicated schemes.  Simple elegance, for me, is the essence of standard gauge.  And the standard by which I gauge my life.  

Ok, that last line was stretching it a tad.  Have fun.  Cheers!

The Layout is 7x13.  I have a 4x4 to add at the far end it will be elevated 1 foot. I hoped to have that in but didn't happen yet. I hope soon.  The Grass I wanted to have the layout look the way they did years ago. I painted the board cream. Taped it off. Painted it Green ( had it mixed so it looked like the green Lionel used)  the I sprinkled original Lionel Grass on it. Let it dry and Vacuumed up the loose grass to use over. Over time the more grass that come off the layout will get that old look with green board showing through.  You can find bags of Lionel grass at shows and the bay.  I am happy how it is turning out.

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