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Does anyone have recommendations on what to use to strip paint from a Steam engine (the pot metal body) so I can repaint it. Also are there recommendations on where to get matching paint for a typical post war steam engine such as: 2035, 671, 2046 or 2020?




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I’ve had good luck soaking an engine in brake fluid for a couple of days, then using an old tooth brush  and soapy water to take off what remains. I have also soaked tin bodies in hot Pine Sol for about 3 hours, then again used soapy water and a tooth brush to clean them up. 
No idea about paint! I usually have mine mixed at an auto paint store.

The recently discontinued version of Klean Strip Aircraft stripper was the best. It could clean off a modern engine in just a few minutes. They have since reformulated it but I suspect it would still be very effective at removing that paint. 

As for paint, most all my repaints these days is with PJ1 Special Satin. Pretty close match in sheen with both Post War and modern MTH and Lionel steam and durable too.

This is a repaint.


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Last edited by Rich Melvin
gunrunnerjohn posted:

Pete, is this the stuff you use?  Do you have a good source that's cheaper than Amazon?


Thats the stuff John. Try your local motorcycle shops. Many sell this line. I used to get it from the Honda shop about a mile from me.

Now I get it from friend who sells MC parts and buy a 1/2 dozen at a time. 

BTW  you can still find the original Aircraft stripper on line but folks are asking 3-4 times the original $35/gallon this stuff used to retail for. 


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