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Panther97 posted:

I definitely belong in this club!  I finished half of my basement and had to stop for reasons beyond my control.  Thus, I have a toy train layout thrown together in a half-finished basement!20160325_211934

I don't see anything "crappy" in that layout room. It's very tidy !

Last edited by Ace

This all brings to mind 2 tropical plants societies I belonged to back in the 80s and 90s. The members would get to drinking at our Summer barbeques, then start arguing about the upcoming Christmas parties. When the 2 clubs finally folded, I realized that I could lose that kind of "entertainment."

I borrow a title from an old cartoon to  describe clubs of this sort:

"The Golden Temple of the Calathumpian Protesturnical Dingbat Prophet."

I came up with the name, and the acronym. CBL is a good one, it reminds me of NFL or MLB. 

If one were really into it, one could custom paint a CBL livery, on tenders, cabeese, and passenger cars. I can see it now "The CBL Lines" and "linking the crawl space to the water heater", a CBL named passenger train, "The Dust Bunny Express"



Last edited by Craignor

Continuing Craig's thought, If we had railroads using the CBL we could swap out the "L" to be "Lines" without changing anything i.e.  CBL could be "Crappy Basement Lines"  which are operating on the CBL: "Crappy Basement Layout".   By George we've got it.  Now all we need is a good custom painter.


Tom Tee posted:

Along that line let me throw down the gauntlet.  How many of you proud CBL members built your Rat Rod layout with used lumber?  Now that's real bragging rights!! 

I am proudly building a fairly large layout with almost all odds and ends.  Just a few sheets of ply and a few sheets of Homosote.  All the rest, left over scraps.  Note differing laser set plywoods. 


Dennis posted:

Continuing Craig's thought, If we had railroads using the CBL we could swap out the "L" to be "Lines" without changing anything i.e.  CBL could be "Crappy Basement Lines"  which are operating on the CBL: "Crappy Basement Layout".   By George we've got it.  Now all we need is a good custom painter.


Tom Tee,

I've used scrap lumber for layouts since I built my first back when I was about 12.  I have scrap lumber right now holding up the temporary layout in our married daughter's old room, and I have some scrap lumber on the Ceiling Central RR.  I will have to make a gut wrenching decision once I build the 'permanent' layout in our other daughter's art studio when she moves out.    That decision will be where to spend money on good seasoned new wood, and where to recycle.  I already plan to use some of the shelving she said she will leave behind.


I like Crappy Basement Lines! 

Incidentally, the recycled art studio is in the basement, and it is a crappy room for an art studio.  Therefore, it should be just the ticket for a crappy basement layout. 


As a long time member of the Brotherhood of Crappy Basement Layouts, I say change nothing. I'm a member for all the reasons Jerry pointed out.  While I have quit some clubs over the years,I plan on going to the grave as a member of this fine organization.

That counts since you'd still be below grade.  I imagine with the right scale (N or Z) you'd be able to "take it with you" thus anyone can be a member through perpetuity. 

I also like Craig's various creative CBL train line offerings.

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