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Peter,  Max Foods is looking good.   I like the subtation kits, and just bought my 2nd one for a "kitbash"...  

Looks like you're going 3 panels across the front, and maybe 1 deep ?   What do figure the overall dimensions will be when you're done ?  Keep posting your progress, I am anxious to see the roof layout when you're done....   Chris a

chris a posted:

Peter,  Max Foods is looking good.   I like the subtation kits, and just bought my 2nd one for a "kitbash"...  

Looks like you're going 3 panels across the front, and maybe 1 deep ?   What do figure the overall dimensions will be when you're done ?  Keep posting your progress, I am anxious to see the roof layout when you're done....   Chris a

Chris.......this is the "mock up".  I still have a unit to go. I am going slowly so I think thru the assembly.


I believe I will attach the next wall and right angle side. Then attach the 1st floors on the ends. Then,  build the back wall and add it with the floor sections on the 2 middle units.



Images (3)
  • IMG_8271
  • IMG_8270
  • IMG_8269

Working on a flour mill. Mill part on the right is completed. Am now working on the grain elevator which is an old Lionel kit.IMG_0209

I carefully cut away all the excess base as shown below. The remainder allow a secure base to glue the wall to and was painted to look like a stone foundation.


Here is a before and after of the truck ramp. I glued strip wood to the surface and aged with India ink solution.



Images (4)
  • IMG_0209
  • IMG_0324
  • IMG_0325
  • IMG_0212

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