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Hi All,


You've probably seen this question 1000 times before...but I don't know the answer!


I'm working on a 249E that runs great but can't seem to clear a switch without tripping the e-unit into neutral.  ("coasts" thru fine if e-unit "off")  I've double checked all the wiring and both pick-up rollers and everything looks fine to me.  Is there something about the roller spacing on 249Es?  Is there a way to "de-sensitize" e-units? Could it be a weak e-unit coil?  I've run it on a couple of different layouts with the same results and all other aspects & functions seem normal.


As always, thanks for your insights!


S/F Mike

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Watch the headlight carefully, I bet you'll see it flash as the engine goes over the switch.


Does it happen on all switches, or only certain ones?


The only thing I can suggest is making certain the track and rollers are clean.

There is also a small possibility that its a "ground" problem. So, include the outside rails, and drive wheels of the loco. This is more common if you are using non-derailing switches.


Agreed, watch the headlight. That would give you an indication that you are momentarily losing power or ground. Sometimes the bumpiness of the Lionel switches cause the locomotive to lose either power or ground momentarily as it rattles through the turnout with the e-unit on, thereby tripping it to neutral.  Does speeding through the switch stop this tripping of the e-unit occasionally? That would indicate that the loco sped through the switch faster than the e-unit could trip. It happens often on light, shorter wheelbase locomotives. Adding a collector roller to the tender may help. Worth a try.

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