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Are there any other surviving TR2B calf units other than C&NW 1103 at the Boone and Scenic Valley RR? The only other TR2B I know of is Belt Railroad of Chicago 510. I tried to figure out where 510 ended up, but the latest photo I've found of it is from 2002 at Independent Locomotive Services in Bethel, MN. I'm assuming it was rebuilt or parted out. I'm trying to figure out if C&NW 1103 is the only one left.

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Weren't most/all calves converted into full-fledged "cows" with the addition of a cab and controls?  A point of perhaps side interest, the Burlington tried a cow and calf set on their rugged Black Hills line, in an attempt to replace T2 2-6-6-2's. That was unsuccessful, as they were superceded by 4 unit F's, and ultimately SD7/9's. The 2-6-6-2's remained in service into 1951.

@mark s posted:

Weren't most/all calves converted into full-fledged "cows" with the addition of a cab and controls? 

I do recall reading somewhere that the "Q" did return most, if not all, of their TR calf B units back to EMD to be upgraded with cabs in the early '50's, a few years after their purchase.  

C&O owned two TR3 "Herds", A-B-B sets and two TR4  A-B Cow and Calf sets. None of those six B "calf" units were converted to A units or given cabs. They were transferred to B&O midway in their careers and worked there basically as built, with a few modifications, in all types of service from mainline helpers to humping cars. A few were retired in the late '70's and the remainder retired in the early '80's. 



Last edited by GP40
@Hot Water posted:

Where exactly is THAT, and what is the date of those photos?

That’s at the Boone Scenic in Boone, Iowa. My pics were taken August 2020. They have a lot of interesting equipment that’s hidden “out back” in the weeds like this. Originally it was CGW. I read somewhere that some parts from this TR were removed for the other EMD end cab switcher they have, painted M & St. L. Still, I wish they would display it somehow. It’s an odd museum with a scenic train ride.




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