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Using DCS AIU gets me in trouple with switch #1.  engine wheel pics switch and derails but only after thrown using DCS.  if thrown by lever on the activator it throws all the way.  if I use the hand held dcs remote it does not therow all the way. There is a gap of a thirty second or so.   any suggestions?

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Shoulda said try to check voltage.... I cant get a way to do that.  I would have to assume that voltage pulse is less than with lever, but why.  the wire run, using track power, 19.2 volts, has a shorter run to and from AIU than it does to and from activating lever. lever is at the end of the daisy chain.  I will further assume AIU contact is very momentary.  ( is that a proper assumption ? )

Jimmy D,

   I had a 072 switch that was doing the same thing on my large layout, for some reason there was a delay when activating the switch and the switch would not

activate fully, only when using the AIU and hand held remote.  I powered my 072 switches from a ZW, and even when I increased the voltage the problem continued.

I eventually changed the ports on the switch set up to the AIU and the problem

went away.  All I did was rearrange the switch pattern, a different switch closer to the AIU worked fine, and it was an older 711 Lionel switch to boot.  None of this seems to make much engineering sense, but electronics can sometimes do unexplainable things.




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