Hello fellow switcher fans!! Welcome to Switcher Saturday!!! This is the thread that celebrates everything switcher related. So if you love the locomotives that get "no respect" ( to quote Rodney Dangerfield ) as opposed to the glamorous road locomotives ... that seem to garner all the respect ... you have come to the right place. SWsat gives switchers their due respect and lots of it too!!! Switchers of all persuasions ... steam ... diesel .. electric .. are welcome in all scales from Z - G ... AND we welcome 1:1 scale real life switchers too.
We have two rules for posting: 1.) Be nice, have fun, and enjoy! 2.) Strict adherence to copyright law. Post only photo that you personally have taken. Do not post photos taken by others, off the internet, or from websites unless you have express permission in writing by the photo's owner. Posting copywritten photos is in violation of copyright laws and anyone posting a copy written photo is subject to legal liability, costly litigation & a substantial fine, plus loss of OGR Forum membership. For more information regarding posting of copywriten photos refer to the OGR TOS at the top of this page.
Btw - It's been snowing this week in central Maryland where I live. It's nice to see snow again after not seeing any at all last year. I hope wherever you are right now you are toasty warm and safe!
I'm really excited to see what all of you post! Every Saturday I learn so much from all of you!! Thanks so much for your participation and remember it's all of you who make this thread one of the most enjoyable threads on the OGR Forum. Have a warm toasty, and safe weekend you'al!!! So without any further ado let's notch out the throttle and get rolling.
So why the heck am I showing a photo of a big hook and a trolley that has left the rails? Well, when life goes off the rails it's always nice to have a wonderful friend to help put us back on track.
AND of course behind every wonderful helper of a friend is an even more wonderful switcher! ... Here we see engineer Chester Witherspoon who slipped out the backdoor of his Plymouth 25 ton switcher. He's thinking it's going to be a long day up here on the EL but he's thrilled that his 25 ton switcher provides the power to mobilize the big hook. As Chester puts it, " It's the little guys that get the real jobs done! Without the little guys this railroad would come to a complete standstill." Looking at the situation here with the trolley o'l Chester seem to make a good point, because ain't nothing going to move on the EL till that trolley is back on the tracks!
MOW boys Hipshot Riley and Crewcut Sgruggins are on the EL assessing the damage. Those dag darn fellas climbing the rocks don't even seem to notice all the hoopla!
Meanwhile way up yonder in the higher altitudes of the Mountain Division a fierce snow storm has been giving the MOW crews a heckofah challenge! A B&O GP 9 is about to take on fuel from a tank truck. That GP9 must have gotten a good wax job ( who the heck waxes a locomotive anyhow!? ) cause there ain't much snow sticking to it. Tank truck driver Nubby Frazier is about to make some yellow snow ... I think??
Nope! No yellow snow makin! O'l Nubby is talkin to locomotive engineer Spry Young. Spry tells Nubby to top off the tank cause it's going to be a loooong day pushing the plow.