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Good Morning Switcher Saturday crew.

This is the weekly thread celebrating the smaller locomotives that do the big work of railroading.  Whether it's branch line carload service, sorting trains in a yard, or spotting equipment in a service facility, switching locomotives get it done.

For this weekend we kick off with a lionel 2 axle diesel working with a tinplate transition car.


Also the Jinty conversion project is starting paint prep.  Most of the British markings have been removed.


The rules of Switcher Saturday are pretty simple.

1. Keep it somehow Switcher related.

2. Al scales,  gauges, and sizes are welcome here.

3. Everybody be nice.

4. Stick to the OGR tos regarding pictures.

Have a great weekend everyone,  can't wait to see what you have in store for today.


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  • 20210129_204459
Last edited by jhz563
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Yay SWSat is on!

I am eagerly following the Jinty saga as a person who models some British RRs.

I saw this one on here last week and broke my personal promise of no more new 3 rail. I got it from Tom’s Trains in Ardsley NY. He said he ordered 12 and a week later after selling this to me he is down to his last 2. Lionel is sold out.

5A0677B5-CDCD-4DEC-9241-CC9788A52A52B8A0F429-AE69-4AAC-9832-F8AE982B4E2FI still have to set up some three rail to test it out some.

Have a Great weekend I can’t wait to see what you guys post.


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Last night I picked up a brand new early version LionChief A5 (no Bluetooth) after I unboxed it at my friends house a few of us were discussing how much do we all thought it could pull ?

There was a train on the track with two MTH dummy diesels and a “short” tank train I figured what the heck !


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Your Yardmaster is very happy to report there were no mishaps in the Worcester yards today!  He is tired of writing reports on auto collisions and derailments!

NYC shop switcher X-8688 is taking a break between assignments, so today we turn our camera on B&M GP7 no. 1555 hauling a coal train.  The train is making it’s way through Worcester on it’s way to the power plant in Bow, NH.

I’m sure I’m not the only SWSAT fan missing the great train show in Springfield, MA this weekend.  I’m suffering from “train show withdrawal” and I need a fix ASAP!




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Good afternoon fellow switcher fans!  I am really digging everyone's photos and videos!  This week on the Free State Junction Railway the company photographer has been busy snapping pics of switchers doing their thing around Butler Junction.   Have a wonderful weekend everyone!  Be safe = Be well!

A new 57 Corvette, the trunk/spare tire of a 55 Ford Crown Victoria is seen in passing, as children play and a B&O Docksider makes its' way. IMG_2056

Ma & Pa SW 1 IMG_3076

A THANK YOU TRIBUTE to MTH for producing all the railroad liveries which make up the short line portion of the FSJR.   Canton Railroad, Patapsco and Back Rivers Railroad, Baltimore and Annapolis RR., and the MA & PA.  IMG_3367-2


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Last edited by trumpettrain

Hi SWSat input today will be short and brief, I am traveling and thus limited by how to respond.  Next week we are home in Texas and I should be able to do better.

Here the Lionel 2328 Burlington GP-7 waits with the noon passenger train to Atlanta while the Lionel, Trolley takes the main to handle mid day local commuter traffic to the Port of Savannah.

Lionel Burlington Switcher plus trolley

Here a Marx pre-war Commodore Vanderbilt  loco and its 8-wheel type 51 tender pulls a consist of early short wheelbase Bogota type coaches.  All dating from about 1935-36.

Marx CV and short wb Bogota's front view

Here is a departing view of the train showing more of the coaches.

Marx CV and short wb Bogota's rear view

Happy SWSat to all



Images (3)
  • Lionel Burlington Switcher plus trolley
  • Marx CV and short wb Bogota's front view
  • Marx CV and short wb Bogota's rear view
@Steam Crazy posted:

Patrick, enjoyed the photos of your great layout, as usual!  Question: is the 57 T Bird actually a 55 Crown Victoria?  Looks like the Crown Vic I have.


John -you have a great eye my friend!   My 57 T Bird is now in the location of the 55 Crown V on my layout.  The photo I used today was taken a year a year ago and before I moved the 55 CV  to another location on the layout.  The trunk in todays' photo is in fact a 55 Crown Victoria.... you are correct!  Since the TB has a spare tire attached to its trunk my brain just went with the TB ... LOL!  Thanks for spotting that error  Now I will make the edit to my post.

Magnificent photos, Patrick, as usual, especially the one of the Ma & Pa diesel using the camera angle with the camera pointed up at the engine, making it look enormous and all powerful.

My switcher contribution today is my brand new LC+2.0 BEDT. Here it is in action:


Thank you very much Arnold!  Yes it was fun to create a powerful image for the Ma & Pa SW1 which had only 600 hp.  Btw - my first cab ride, at 3 years old,  was in the B&O version of the same locomotive.

Your new locomotive is AWESOME!!  Love the whistle and bright headlight!  The entire locomotive looks great!  Now you have me thinking that I just may need one too!

@Fendermain posted:


Thank you.  I really like those bridges and both of mine were purchased during my only trip to York.  Your erector set bridge looks great along side your red one.


John, that Erector Set bridge was a gift to me from our Forum friend, Leroof. He built it and gave it to me a couple of years ago when he and his wife stayed overnight at my home. The next day Leroof and I attended the Westchester Toy and Train Show. Arnold

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