Happy SWSat!
Week two in the Yardmaster's office.
Thanks for all the support and a great week of posts last week.
For the uninitiated- SWSat is a fun place to jump into the engineers seat on a GEEP, ALCO, End-cab, 0-4-0 steamer or saddle tanker, Plymouth, or even a Track-mobile. The thread is open to all gauges and nationalities, old or new, so feel free to share what you like. Just make sure you own the pictures you are posting, or get permission to post from the owner.
Starting off with a BEEP and a GEEP this week. The RMT BEEP has been given a full upgrade with an ERR mini-commander with railsounds. Fun little engine to run. The GEEP is a Lionel MPC workhorse.
Have a great weekend.