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OK this is a new one. I have a item for sale on ebay, today I received the following email for someone named "village trains". The email was " Hi, I see that you are a TCA member. Is there anything wrong with this, do you take returns? If you don't please don't advertise that you are a TCA member. I'm a member of the TCA board checking out ebay with persons advertising TCA members. This is something we do to keep the good name for TCA members. Thanks and please respond as we may call you-VillageTrains."


That was the email. I responded in not so many words to mind your own business and a fix the membership problem. He just email me back at 2:30PM "OK TCA#00-*****, we will see"


Anyone have any idea what the heck this is?


I am calling TCA, he also has not given his name as of yet.

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I would never respond to an e-mail like that (and am assuming that no official of the TCA would possibly be stupid enough to send such correspondence).  If that individual ever made the unfortunate mistake of calling me, I would do my best to give him an unpleasant very few seconds of my time.


I'm not aware of any restrictions regarding use of a TCA member number.  You paid for it; it's unique to you; and I can't imagine anyone making up a set of rules governing when and where you can use it.  If such a rule does exist, let me go on record here by stating it is a dumb one.


Further, if the TCA can determine who contacted Cincytrains representing himself as a TCA board member, that individual's membership should be suspended or even terminated.


Just my humble opinions.

Allan is correct. This person is up to something and the lest one has to do with such people the better your life will be.


As for the use of the TCA number that is one of the big reasons I joined in the first place. When people use their ID numbers in places like ebay they are providing a traceable number through an organization that has little tolerance for folks who would pull that name down.


I too feel that the TCA officers should try to find this clown and then kick him down the road into history.

Originally Posted by gmorlitz:
Originally Posted by Allan Miller:

I would never respond to an e-mail like that (and am assuming that no official of the TCA would possibly be stupid enough to send such correspondence). 


In my experience, you can never underestimate stupidity.


Be well Cincytrains.




you should know!!

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