OK this is a new one. I have a item for sale on ebay, today I received the following email for someone named "village trains". The email was " Hi, I see that you are a TCA member. Is there anything wrong with this, do you take returns? If you don't please don't advertise that you are a TCA member. I'm a member of the TCA board checking out ebay with persons advertising TCA members. This is something we do to keep the good name for TCA members. Thanks and please respond as we may call you-VillageTrains."
That was the email. I responded in not so many words to mind your own business and a fix the membership problem. He just email me back at 2:30PM "OK TCA#00-*****, we will see"
Anyone have any idea what the heck this is?
I am calling TCA, he also has not given his name as of yet.