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1. TCA:

If you are by any chance a member of the TCA, you should get the publication "National Headquarters News (see Image 1).

On page 22 of the February 2022 issue, is a notice for '' (see Images 2 & 3).

The  video ( ) shows some ways you can use a "DCC Programmable Model Train Controller" to automatically control 3-rail O gauge trains.

Near the end of the video at the 29:11 point ( ), I attempt to demonstrate how it is fairly easy to input a simple 6-line program into the "DCC Programmable Model Train Controller" to control a 3-rail MTH locomotive, and then demonstrate executing that program.


As you're probably aware, most O gaugers use either the proprietary DCS by MTH, or the proprietary Legacy system by Lionel.

A FEW 3-rail O gaugers are using NCE DCC systems.

The PURPOSE of this post is -- to point out how you can use a "DCC Programmable Model Train Controller" for easy, AUTOMATIC control of your O-Ga. trains. (AND your Z, HO, S, and Largescale trains !!.)

This "DCC Programmable Model Train Controller" (aka NCE 'Mini-Panel') is manufactured in the USA, in Rochester NY, by the NCE Corporation.


As you probably know, all MTH "Protosound 3" decoders (on all MTH locos made since 2011) can run on DCC as well as DCS.

All the Premier locos have a switch to select "DCC" or "DCS".

With the Railking locos, you have to either add a switch or cut a wire to use it on DCC. (Unless it was made between 2011 and 2014; then the Railking's had the switch included.)


The Lionel Legacy HO decoders are advertised to be able to run on DCC (see Image 5).

The Lionel Legacy S ga. decoders are advertised to be able to run on DCC (see Image 6).

The O-ga. catalog says NOTHING about Legacy decoders and DCC (see Image 7).
These O-Ga. decoders MAY run on DCC if their "little brothers" in S and HO ga. do . . . . or Lionel may have a "bit" set somewhere, to prevent DCC operation. Or they have deliberately made the electronics different to prevent DCC operation.

We currently don't know. This is something I hope to learn more about, but it may be DIFFICULT to get the information.


Every so often, I read about someone who takes a model train into an elementary school, to demonstrate it for the kids.

I'd like to see someone enhance this, to include demonstrating the programming of a "DCC Programmable Model Train Controller" -- using a simple 6-line program, to start and stop the train automatically.

This might SPARK kids interest in programming -- if they can see how much FUN it is, to use this simple programming to control their model trains.





Image 3 - Noticed in Feb 2022 issue of TCA Nationl Headquarters News


Image 5 - Lionel HO catalog clearly specifies that HO-Ga. Legacy runs on DCC


Image 6 - Lionel S catalog clearly specifies that S-Ga. Legacy runs on DCC


Image 7 - Lionel O-Ga. catalog does NOT specify if O-Ga. Legacy runs on DCC


Images (6)
  • 1HQnews22B-cover
  • 2HQnews22B-pg29
  • 3HQnews22B-pg29b
  • 5Lionel-HoCat2021pg9
  • 6flyer-sCat2021pg9
  • 7Lionel-Ocat2022pg34
Last edited by James Ingram
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Automatic control of trains on a layout has always intrigued me. I designed a IR detector based system for running two trains on a single loop in 2007. It's still intact on my layout and can be switched back to normal operation with a single switch. The systems described in this thread are quite unique. At some point, I would like to look at auto control on a layout of wireless controlled engines.

Legacy does not support DCC in O, from what I have been told they only put it in HO and S gauge engines because in the S and HO world DCC is basically it, because it is an NMRA standard and they would have trouble selling engines that only ran legacy (I wonder how many S or HO train enthusiasts bought the Lionel Legacy base and remote when they bought the engines, I would bet very few).  The other issue would be getting the DCC signals to the legacy board even if Lionel supported DCC commands, O legacy gets its command signals over the air via house wiring broadcasting the signal (the ground wire).

I saw something like this at one of the last train shows I went to, they interfaced an arduino setup into a DCC equipped system to control trains (I think it was The Model Railroad club down in Union, NJ if I recall), because DCC is open it isn't particularly hard to interface some kind of computer system with the DCC controller, if I recall the whole JMRA interface these days is all about that.

The BlueRailTrains wireless module will interface with DCC and can provide all of the operating features of DCC. For OGauge modelers interested in DCC, this is the simplest way to accomplish this (other than the MTH DCS P3 which doesn't provide all DCC features). I have done this very successfully many times. In my previous post referring to auto control of wireless engines, this is the control system I had in mind.

can you run the NCE DCC system on the same tracks as a DCS/Legacy system or will the two conflict with eachother? On the forum im reading some posts suggesting you can't do this, but curious if anyone has tried.

It definitely is in conflict with DCS. Legacy in theory should be able to work alongside dcc, given it only uses the rails for the negative return (it uses house wiring ground as its antenna).

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