I purchased a green Proto 2.0 LCT Brute when it was first offered. I initially operated it with a string of five MTH state cars on my 084 tinplate track layout. Later came the four "Showroom" cars. Then I moved the Brute to my other home with an 072 tinplate track layout. I use the Johnson repro Lionel rubber roadbed to quiet things down and to better hold the track to my layout table. I am currently pulling three MTH two-tone green state cars plus an apple green MTH 431 diner. Running the Brute with DCS is a lot of fun. I removed the two traction tired wheelsets and replaced them with MTH 381 wheelsets. I have noticed NO loss of tractive effort without the traction tires.
All in all, the Brute is an amazing loco and a sure-fire crowd pleaser!