As some of you may know, I have an MTH Premier Santa Fe ABA locomotive set of which its trailing A-unit needs to be repaired. I just shipped it to one of our trusted forum friends, who had repaired the A-Unit two years ago, so he can work his magic on this other A-Unit. I know that he will give me a fair price for the repair work, and I am happy to pay him for it. (Actually, I shipped him both A units.)
My overall cost for the repair, about which there is nothing our good friend can do, will be his charge plus $46 for shipping! It just cost me $23 to ship it to him via UPS, and I imagine it will be close to the same for him to ship it back to me. I looked at FedEx and USPS, and once insurance for a declared $400 value is added, they are all within a couple of dollars, at the most.
This locomotive set is almost five years old, so it was out-of-warranty. I know that if it had been a Lionel Visionline set it would have been out of warranty as well. However, it has been ‘nice’ to send Lionel locomotives for repair (four different repairs over the past three years, IIRC), which had been under warranty, and not have had to pay for the repair OR for the shipping.
The closest MTH or Lionel approved LHS for me are about 40 miles each way; and of course, since I bought these elsewhere, I wouldn't consider using them for the repair work. I believe Lionel’s warranty policy for some of their locomotives if a significant plus for the customers (us!).
Just a thought . . .