This is the first catalog in a while that excites me. I am not, nor have ever been turned on by scale-sized gear. I want my toy-trains to be toy-train sized, and somewhat matching in appearance and scale. To me, that means a Post-War scaled-down world. Even the largest scale layouts with sweeping wide-radius curves I've seen make the 89' Auto Racks and the PRR Centipedes look ridiculous.
So it's 6464-sized gear for me, along with engines that match. And this catalog finally delivers with LionChief Plus... both steam and diesel with sound-equipped, cruise-equipped, coil-coupler equipped engines with chuffing fan-driven smoke units for a reasonable price.
Do I care if I need separate remotes for each engine? Not really. I can only run two engines at any given moment anyway. And I only buy enough engine to move freight and passengers over my little basement system. I don't need a 31" long engine with silly looking overhangs on curves, taking down buildings, trees and telegraph poles to do that.
All in all, I find this catalog delivering to the wide-to-middle part of the funnel very nicely on features, price, and selection.
The skinny part of the funnel with the scale stuff is interesting to glance at, in the same way I might briefly glance at a picture of a HO or N scale train. But it doesn't interest me in the least.