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Last year, when we bought the Thomas Remote Control set, we didn't use the 18V fixed voltage power supply that came with the set.  Last weekend, I set up the loops around where we'll put our Christmas tree, and we decided one loop would be dedicated to Thomas, so I just connected the set's power supply to it.  I'm surprised at the voltage readings I'm getting from the track.  I'm getting 39.6V AC when I check the middle rail to one outer rail and 0.0V from the middle and other outer rail.  It's that way around the entire loop, as if the outer rails aren't connected like they're supposed to be in 3-rail.  The readings are accruate and the voltmeter is calibrated.  Any thoughts on what's wrong here.  BTW, Thomas runs fine on the loop, but I haven't put anything else on it.



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I had an AC vs. DC brain freeze for the moment.  My basement layout hasn't been working since our flood of 2011.  I got most of it fixed but then went under for back surgery about a year ago, so climbing on and under to finish wasn't going to happen until recently. 


So we went to the next best thing....carpet central around the tree this year and last.  The kids did the work, I just supervised.


We love the Thomas Engine and 2 passenger cars.  Our youngest is six, and she's looking for another one this Christmas or at least an expansion pack with add-on cars.

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