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Hello Fellow Model R.R persons,

I'm posting this because in the Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co. N.C. area, it looks like there is a strong chance that this venture of a Model R.R. Group will take place as some of the wrinkles are still being ironed out. I need to know who is interested in being a part of this. Comments can be left, but details will be reveald before long. A head count is needed to start things moving by looking in "my profile" for an email address to let me know who's interested. It will be 3-Rail "O" Gauge, this includes "Dead Rail Systems".

This venture will be a non-profit organization. Please leave me your email address to contact you on my email! TY

     Steam Forever


Last edited by N&WY6b
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Hey Joe,

Thanks for chiming in! The bldg. is currently unoccupied. It's better if you Google the address which is: 8030 Old Mt. Holly Rd. Charlotte. You will see a few tank farms, Kinder Morgan, Marathon Oil Co. & Buckeye pipeline on the map. I believe this is on the NW area of Charlotte, N.C. Forgive me because I'm still learning about the area. I-485 is close by, about 5-10 minutes from the highway. There are R.R. tracks all around the area and the building is close to the tracks.

Steam Forever


Last edited by N&WY6b

Hey Dave,

Thanks for posting on another social media network, the invitation of members interested in joining up to the club and yes it is great news because I was coming to the point of selling all my "O" Gauge trains. I thank God for the chance to upstart this along with other guy's. Where are all those people who were looking for a group to join? Here's the chance to involve yourself with a dream!

     Steam Forever


Last edited by N&WY6b

Hello Joe, what do ya know!

Well to start with Joe, the idea of a modular layout was the last thing on my mind, but I did tell some guy's about my experiences with Modular, for this new venture. I think you know what I mean because when your son was younger, at the time, and he was with the 4-H Hi-Railers, I'm sure you were taxed also. When you have to cart those Modules around, they can waear you out, especially when you're getting up in your years. One guy in the RVHR group took it upon himself to make 2 - 4ft. modules & 2 - 6ft. modules X 4 ft. wide about 10 years ago +/-  & I tried to tell him that the modules will get heavier as one ages, "guess who won that battle", I think he may have cut & re-designed them and re-sceniced them. Funny how that works! Venues down here are nothing compared to the Northern states,

To answer your question, I'm pushing for a permenant layout, but when we all get together at the meeting soon, that question will surely come up.

Steam Forever


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