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Is it possible to transfer a train from one Cab 2 controller to another? My layout consists of several disconnected areas that are not easy for a single operator to move between.  It is necessary to pass a train off to another operator from time to time.  Can this be done without shutting the train down and restarting it with the second controller?

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Once a legacy TMCC /legacy locomotive is under way, it continues at whatever speed it is set at until it is changed by the operator.


 As long as all of the areas are being contolled by one base, the information regarding legacy locos is stored in the base, not the handheld.


It should simply be a matter of the other operator addressing the locomotive on his/her handheld which will display the appropriate info from the base, and controlling it as desired.






Last edited by RickO

Elliot, I'm not sure what you're suggesting.  Are you really suggesting a different channel, or just a different TMCC ID being selected? 


While it's a problem to connect with a CAB1/BASE1 and the Legacy system to the same locomotive, there is no issue that I'm aware of of controlling between CAB2 remotes or handing off.  We do this all the time.  I've never seen any issue handing off, or even jumping in and taking control when someone else is running.  Yes, both remotes will affect the locomotive, but nothing blows up or jumps the track.


I believe the reason the CAB1/BASE1 and Legacy system have a problem is you're likely running in TMCC or Legacy mode with the Legacy system, and relative step mode with the CAB1.  That will cause odd things to happen with the locomotive.

John, I have always called ENG(xx) a channel, but yes, a different TMCC ID.


It is easy to forget that a remote is still connected to the last engine it was set to, when you put it down. Since you can't turn remotes "off", setting it to an unused number is the next best thing. However the more I think about it, it is really unnecessary.


What is the first thing you do when you pick up a remote? Select your engine. Duh!

I never intended to leave controller #1 assigned to the train that was passed on to controller #2. I just wasn't sure you could transfer control seamlessly.  I expect to alert #2 of the impending transfer either verbally or with a whistle signal and as soon as confirmation is received reassign controller #1.

Originally Posted by Bob Delbridge:

Has anyone ever installed an On/Off switch on a CAB1?  Disconnecting (battery) power inside the handheld would prevent unwanted/accidental transmissions.


Where in the circuitry would the best place be to insert a switch?

I have never done this, but it should be easy enough to install a small slide switch in the side of the case, and wire it into the hot wire from the battery pack to the board.

Actually either the hot or the return wire would be fine.



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