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It was made by Charlie Reynolds under the name Reynolds Toys. Starting in the early 1960's, Charlie made made reproductions of several old tin floor toys and later the Toonerville Trolley around 1968. He made the Toonervilles in O gauge and Standard Gauge. The Standard Gauge version (as shown in the video) utilizes a Lionel 33 motor and frame as seen below. The O gauge version used a Lionel Gang Car motor (not shown).

CR Toonerville 5CR Toonerville Wisner02The Reynolds SG trolleys are big, about 12" tall, much larger than the C&M/Richart version.

Hope this helps.



Images (2)
  • CR Toonerville 5
  • CR Toonerville Wisner02

Jim and Arno,

Jim, you are right, Lloyd Weisner did bring it to the Dulles show.  As you know Lloyd has a big collection of Toonerville trolleys in multiple gauges from HO to Standard, pictures of which are posted on SGMA's Yahoo website including one of the Aunt Eppe trailer.

Arno, thanks for the info on the "Reynolds" Toonerville trolley. Based on our experience with it at the Dulles show, a Reynolds Toonerville trolley will not pass underneath a Lionel Signal bridge unless the bridge is raised a couple of inches.  What MESG Toonerville trolleys do you have in your collection?



Last edited by navy.seal
navy.seal posted:
moderneraSG posted:



That's a great stop sign/light.  Do you know if Dick made more than one?


It's actually more reminiscent of the one Ward Kimball used in displaying his. Here, the trolley is seen with the original station and figure prototypes. The figures are sitting in flat wooden discs with a slot cut to hold the figure.

LCE 88m03Bv23n02p99

The tele-pole does not have a lamp, but looks much like the ones in the cartoon strip. Not sure where the one I picked up was used, but it has a "plug-in" base which tells me it may have been used in a display.



Images (1)
  • LCE 88m03Bv23n02p99
navy.seal posted:
  What MESG Toonerville trolleys do you have in your collection?



I have a bunch of different Toonerville trolleys, I'll try to come up with a list here:

• a LaDuke Toonerville in Standard Gauge, which is similar to the Reynolds version in size, but a little more detailed.

• a C&M (Cain & Mayer) in all 3 gauges: Standard, O and G.

• a few different O gauge David O. King Toonerville trolleys.

• a brass O gauge Toonerville made by Bernie McHugh.

• a couple of O gauge Toonerville's made by unknown craftsmen.

• a pair of RichArt H0 gauge Toonerville's.

• a craftsman made Standard Gauge Toonerville made from wood and brass.

That's the basic list I can come up with, there may be more but I won't know that until I get everything unpacked. I may also have a RichArt O gauge version of the Toonerville which would be the same as the C&M version with different makers mark.

I do love the Toonerville Trolleys and pick them up whenever I run across an oddball version. I try to stay in the Standard Gauge vein, but I easily stray when it comes to Toonerville's!



I know you are always on the lookout for "craftsman" built items, so for your collection of Toonerville Trolleys, here's a truly unique "vintage" one that's currently for sale on ebay under amusement park rides.  And it's a steal at the "affordable" price of just under $9K, plus shipping.


Toonerville Amusement Park Ride

Bob Nelson



Images (1)
  • Toonerville Amusement Park Ride
Last edited by navy.seal

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