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Many years ago, I had done a history fair project on the Chatsworth train wreck of 1887.  The wreck site isn't terribly far from where I live, and I always enjoy local history, even when I was a kid, so it seemed like a natural choice at the time.  Looking back at it now, I realize how little I actually knew about it.  For example, I knew that there were 2 engines, and 15 coaches, but the exact type and build never even entered my mind.  Now that I look at things a little differently as a mildly train obsessed adult (adult according to numeric age only.  ) I find myself really wanting to nail down the type of engines and potentially model them.

That's where you all come in.    Is anybody familiar with the terrible wreck? Any idea what the loco's were like?  The best photo I can come up with at the moment isn't great, because its pretty mangled.  But maybe somebody who has spent more time staring at trains can ID it based off of little pieces.

Any help in direction would be awesome!  Thanks guys!

(Photo from the National Archives, by way of



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  • engine_13
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