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I have  the MTH dual engine shed, and achieved the needed spacing two different ways using MTH Realtrax:

1) O72 turn-out to a 3.5 inch straight and then an O31 half curve

2) O42 turn-out and an O42 curve. (this one was a bit tighter on the center gap but still worked)

I am sure there are a multitude of other ways it can be done also, I used method 1 first and later changed my layout and used method 2.  I think the MTH catalog shows an O72 turn out with a O72 curve to achieve the needed spacing also.


One has to arrive at 5 1/2" center rail to center rail spacing. depending on the track, some adjustment to the doorway may needed. An O72 wye lines up the two tracks in about 14"-16", again depending on the track. Then you need some track outside for the train to maneuver to the switch or wye.

A switch thru and then curves to the turnout angle to bring it back to 5 1/2". The smaller radius switches can get closer, but I like some track outside the shed to park the engine on.

Shed, park tracks and switch, at least 36".

I can work up some fitments if you like.

here's FasTrack for G, what track are you using Clint?


Takes about 28" to get to the shed using an Atlas O72 switch





Images (3)
  • FasTrack_to_MTH_2_Engine_Shed_RRT_2
  • AtlasTrack_TT_to_MTH_Dual_Engine_Shed
  • AtlasTrack_TT_to_MTH_Dual_Engine_Shed_2
Last edited by Moonman
cpowell posted:

An MTH Wye switch will NOT line up correctly. The O-72 and 1/2 curve do. I used two O-31 switches back-to-back with a short 3.5 or 4.25 straight to get the correct spacing.

Not entirely accurate. You can use a Realtrax Wye as long as you use two 3.5 inch after the switch and then go to two 072 half curves. illustration below.

 O72 Left turn out on the left and O72 Wye on right:




Images (1)
  • O72_wye_left

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