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I am new to the DCS system.  I have used the MTH handheld remote without problem.  Last week I hooked up a DCS TIU and entered the first engine, a Phila.Flyer steam loco (PS3) with no problem.  When I put my Santa Fe PS3 engine on the track, the light comes on, and 10 seconds later the engine revs, but when I go to systems, enter engine, select engine, find MTH engine, it tells me there is no engine on the track.  I am having the exact same trouble with my 2 PS2 (used, both have a tender) engines: headlight on, engine revs (comes on immediately upon placement on the track, though) but the DCS module says "no engine on track". I have confirmed polarity to the track, and have tried to reset the module and the TIU, and even tried using a test section of track, all to no avail. 

Any suggestions appreciated.  Thanks!

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Make sure it is not listed in the "InActive" list and/or more than once.

Delete them, shut down, then power the system back up, do a read, and then add engine etc.

My LIRR PS3 RS1 did that last week, refused to be added, refused to be even found or read.

So, I came back a few days later and did a read, then an add and it worked.


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