Looking at turntables and would like to hear comments from folks that either turntable. I am familiar with Millhouse’s reputation but not ever heard any comments on Ross’s TT. Big price difference between them.
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You can’t go wrong with either one. Guess it would come down to price.
If I had the space and the money, I would have gone with one of your options.
Not considering Atlas only because the table isn't long enough for big articulated steam locos.
For me it is Millhouse. Both company's are reputable, but they go about building the product in very different ways. The Ross is all plywood - a good grade, but is a bit bulky, and very deep. The Millhouse on the other hand is made of welded aluminum.
I don't think either one is "bad" I just believe the Hillhouse is a better made product.
I bought a Millhouse because of its realistic look and the aluminum construction. Also, I believe the re-sale will be much better.
superwarp1 posted:You can’t go wrong with either one. Guess it would come down to price.
Gary, good to see you are still running on that great layout, remember several of us being there when you were building it.
Hope you and your family have a nice Christmas
I went with Ross, the largest one they make. My entire layout is Ross Track & Ross Switches. Very Happy. I picked it up at Trainfest a few years back, directly from Steve, so I saved on shipping.
Ron, I like what you have created with the Atlas TT.
Have MILLHOUSE, very happy, CSXAL great guy to deal with.
I also have Millhouse River. Very happy with it.
I’d have to lean towards Mill House too....I love mine, very well built, simple to make it command controlled....
although I can not knock my man Lou’s scratch built turntable, he shared his build process with me through out....very nicely executed....😁
If Millhouse Turntables had been offered back in 2000 it would have been my choice. The 34 inch model is very nice, (there all nice) working with Lionels Legacy remote would be convenient and fun. Many of my friends are using his products and they are backed with service and CSX Al is very helpful. Your turntable facility will be a great focal point of your layout, in fact it’s one of the most enjoyable accessories, other than a transfer table, if you have the space. One thing for sure, I do not recommend the Bowser 32 inch turntable unless your ready for many modifications. It’s less money, and they are no longer in production and they are wood and could warp over time. It was my only affordable choice when I was in the market. Good luck and Happy Railroading.
Are there any issues running the Ross tt with Legacy LCS?
Hard to go wrong with Millhouse. I especially like the under table mount and aluminum construction.