I have completed nearly all my benchwork and am tweaking track track plan on my large (30' x 30') two level layout. Lower level has a min radius of 054 and lower level is 072 min. Track is all Gargraves flex and switches are Ross. Lower level plan is all finalized, switches purchased and track & switches temporarily laid out.
As I am finaizing upper level I find a few places where I can use either a Ross regular 072 switch or a Ross curved 072/054 switch. I've never used a Ross curved swtich before. With all the experience and wisdom on this board I was hoping to get some advice on which would work best from an operational view.
A second question: regarding roadbed. I once had heard about using the thin foam insulation that is used in construction to insulate 2x4 or 2x6 baseplates from the concrete foundation. I have quite a bit of this left over from building my house and thought of using it instead of cork or other commercial roadbed products. It seems just the right thickness and can be trimmed to accomodate curves and switches very readily. Anyone have experience using this? If so, suggestions on how to secure. I was thinking of glue and a few staples.
Any and all advice appreciated.