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Weaver 3-Rail die-cast freight trucks are designed so that the lobster claw coupler shank is also the "spacer" between the under frame center bearing and the truck bolster. I used Weaver trucks on all of my former 2-Rail Intermountain, Red Caboose, and some brass freight cars, by putting shim washers between the Weaver truck and the under frame center bearing. This tends to lower the car a bit.


However, I have up-graded ALL my freight rolling stock to Kadee body mount couplers, so lowering the carboy is much more important.

I agree with Matt, Atlas O's trucks are about the best ones to use for conversions in regards to overall flexibility.


Their trucks come with an adapter that works pretty well with MTH.  With Lionel's new Standard O stuff you don't really need an adapter at all, you can actually use Lionel's mounting screw or a slightly longer one to work.

The Weaver trucks will lower a car that had the postwar style trucks.  One example would be the K-line ore cars.  K-line used the old Atlas dies and therefore the car already has a bolster built into the underframe.  When K-line put postwar style trucks on these, the cars look goofy - way too high.  They look a lot better with the Weaver trucks.  The new Atlas or current Lionel scale trucks will lower them even more, but are much more expensive.



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