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I purchased a beautiful Weaver Gold Edition brass (PRR) K-4s at York last month. It's a beautiful object, and runs as well as the prototype. All of the packaging and paper items were included, and the locomotive appears to have had little-or-no previous use. There are terrific smoke and sound features and exceptional detail. But I'm a little surprised at the MTH markings and electronics on-and-in the tender. Do I have a hybrid cobbled together by someone, or was this standard practice for Weaver to use the Korean-made locomotives with third-party tenders? Also, does anyone have knowledge of when these models were made? Thios is my first post to the OGR Forum, and I'm glad it's available. And, if the seller (Jeff) is reading this, thanks, and I'm really pleased!  

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But I'm a little surprised at the MTH markings and electronics on-and-in the tender. Do I have a hybrid cobbled
together by someone, or was this standard practice for Weaver to use the Korean-made
locomotives with third-party tenders?

Do you have a picture of the OEM box? the box flap will tell you the OEM electronics used. Weaver in the mid 1990's used QSI, then may have switched to MTH ps1. I know my ex CP rail SD40-2 had PS1 in it.

Last edited by prrhorseshoecurve

Back when those engines were made, Mike Wolf and Bob Weaver got together and several Weaver engines could be purchased with MTH Protosounds.  I also had one of those in SD-40.  You have a brass Weaver tender and it should be a standard production model.  I purchased the scale Milwaukee Road Hudson also with MTH electronics.

Last edited by Marty Fitzhenry

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