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J Musser...don’t bail on this thread yet! It can be frustrating sometimes to wade through all the “been there done that “ posts! Don’t be put off, there is a lot of valuable experiences and solutions in here. Just use it as free baseline stuff that you don’t have to waste time figuring out!

While I know that there is some real time tested materials and methods out there, there is also a lot of new materials and capabilities today that are worth exploring. I for one would love to hear about and see alternative ideas that very well may lead to new solutions to old problems. I know I’m not alone!

Thanks for all the negative comments on any attempt to do things differently than they have been in the past. I sort of remember NWSL being shut down for a bit recently, but I’m sure there are at least a dozen companies out there chomping at the bit to manufacture miniature gears in the wonder plastic Celcon for all those people out there with 1980s vintage o scale 2 rail

Man - if this refers to my post, I need to correct the record.  I know nothing about 3 D printing.  I am hoping it will bring a revolution to model trains - they are apparently making jet engine parts with such printers - out of titanium!  I would be delighted with a $150 printer that could make serviceable drive Line components.

My comment was honest, not sarcastic.

Sorry if my comment upset you.  I welcome new approaches and new materials.  Unfortunately I don't have a 3D printer or a lathe so I'm limited to drop in replacements for wheel sets.  I do have several Weaver engines with cracked axles and at least 5 that I want to convert from 3 rail to 2 rail, so I was concerned that the P&D parts I've been using are no longer an option.  I was also surprised how expensive the NWSL wheels had gotten.  But I haven't bought any in a few years and as you said they could go away again so I do hope you will continue to update this thread.

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