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@Tony H posted:

Bob, i used 3M Safety Walk Tread.  They are 6 inches wide, so 24 feet scale feet wide.  They come in a roll of 30 feet.  In this section i used 4 strips, or 96 feet wide.  There is asphalt behind and to the side of the buildings.  For a single road it works very well.  It is peel and stick but it was nice to have my wife help as working with 20 foot long strips would have been a pain alone.

Truly excellent, sir!

Not a "what I did", but more of a "what I got" post.

I visited @leapinlarry today, and ended up taking home two whole boxes full of scenery parts including  rock molds, ground cover, ballast, and other odds and ends. It is always a good time at the Looney Lines, we had a ton of fun!

Above those boxes is a Millhouse River Studio 34" turntable! This was a gift to me from the Crossville Model Railroad Club, my local club in Crossville Tennessee. I joined back in January, but sadly we have to relocate right now. In the midst of the fast-paced tear down, the O gauge coordinator handed me the turntable and said "Here, take this. We don't have a place to store it, and you can probably put it to better use than we can". I was also told it came off of a beautiful layout, and was a gift to the CMRC some time ago. If anyone knows something about that, I would love to learn the history of it. Right now, I don't have a spot for it on the track plan. However the turntable itself has a few missing/broken pieces, so it's not ready for installation yet.

Layouts are looking good y'all! I'll check back in very soon with some table progress!



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I spent a few hours working on my K-Line 15" aluminum California Zephyr passenger cars. Here's a little background on why I'm renaming 3 of the aluminum passenger cars. Originally I purchased a NIB K-Line aluminum Western Pacific California Zephyr (CZ for short) passenger cars in a set of 4, these were all dome cars. Then I found the matching WP CZ baggage car. I felt the consist wasn't complete, so I went on a search for a diner car and a standard coach. Unfortunately K-Line never made said passenger cars in CZ, but they did make a New York Central Diner and an Empire Express Coach. So I found and purchased 2 NYC Diners and 1 Empire Express Coach with the plan of changing the names. I finally found some time to work on the passenger cars. Here's some photos of the transition.

I used the following to make the new nameplates:

California Zephyr Font from

Chrome label stock from

Microsoft PowerPoint to create the fonts and print them out on a Canon Pixma Photo Printer.

Empire State Express Diner. Note: that's my red T shirt reflection in this photo. Changed angles for the rest of the photos.

converted to CZ Diner, just need to change the coach name to SILVER CAFE.

New York Central Coach Thomas E. Dewey

converted to CZ Coach, need to change the Coach name to SILVER CEDAR.

Here's the print out of the coach names, all I need to do is cut them to size and apply.

Here's the CZ Coach SILVER CEDAR with name plate on the rails.

Fun little project!

Here's an update with the coach names installed on all 3 of the CZ coaches. I reprinted the coach names with a larger font in bold and changed the spacing in between the letters. All in all the project turned out pretty good, not perfect.

One more thing to do to the SILVER CAFE dining car, finish painting the interior!

And here they are in action with my full WP CZ consist. Also, the WP F7 ABBA set has borrowed power from Denver & Rio Grande Western. I love the way it looks! After all, the California Zephyr was operated by 3 railroads, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (CB&Q), Denver & Rio Grande Western (D&RGW) and Western Pacific (WP).

Happy Railroading!!!


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Don McErlean, Pennsyfan - Bob, Farmall-Joe, RSJB - Bob, -  

I greatly appreciate  your thoughtful responses to my train boxes situation.  Thank you all!  

Your comments helped me come to a solution that works for me.  I decided to fold and keep all the MTH Premier, Lionel Scale, and Atlas O boxes ... discarding the inserts.   As for MTH Railking and Weaver boxes I've chosen to get rid of those.  As a matter of fact they were just picked up along with my regular recycling material about an hour ago.   Needless to say I keep all locomotive boxes and their inserts as is the same with passenger car and operating freight car boxes.

To answer RSJB - Bob's question regarding renovation of the western side of my layout:  I'm extending the existing elevated trolley line which now begins under Mt. Randolph and extends to a bumper just about mid way across my layout.  When completed this elevated line will run the entire length of my layout from under Mt. Randolph to the Westend neighborhood.  ( Btw -  The citizens of Westend are very excited to be getting this new trolley service ! )

Renovations also include:

1.) Relocation of existing sidings and creation of new sidings to serve industries in the Brewtown section of Patsburg.  

2.) Relocation of some buildings and providing power for lighting those buildings.

3.) Relocation of streets.

4.) Adding more track power connections to both the outer and inner mainlines of the entire layout.  As it is there is only one track power connection for the inner loop and two on the outer loop.  That said, the Mountain Division on the eastern part of the layout has 4 track power connections which is the perfect amount for that loop and siding.   Oddly,  as I run both TMCC and conventionally, I have no problems on either of the main lines.  The reason for adding the extra track power connections is for future DCS installation.  

5.) Westend Neighborhood improvements:  Westend Neighborhood actually sits on a shelf at the farthest western portion my layout.  The shelf is elevated and extended one foot beyond the end of the benchwork.  This shelf extension is 1x4 ft.   Improvements are:  Add street lights and light existing buidlings,  relocate the Mary Merry Christmas Shoppe as it will now become a year round retail establishment, add more mirrors at the end of roadways which end at a wall ... to create the illusion of a larger Westend.  

As with any renovation/improvement project, be it in the real world or our little model worlds, there will be unaccounted for obstacles.  Finding creative ways to deal with these "pop up" problems is half the fun ... Wait! ...  Did I say "fun"?  

I'll keep everyone posted on the progress.  And once again thank you guys for your thoughtful responses to my  box dilemma.

Sam, the gift of the turntable is great!  You will be able to use it for many years to come!  Larry came up my way last summer, and I spent the afternoon with him.  Needless to say, any time with Larry is a fast-paced adventure!    I'm sure a visit with him and his layout is a great time!

Scott, those are really handsome cars.

John, that is a really nice looking swing out shelving unit!

Pat, those are big plans for your West End renovation!  Yes, the obstacles aren't always as fun as we may say, but the results are worth it!

As for obstacles, my project with relocating two inclined tracks to convert my layout from a twice around over and under to a high line and low line with inclines in opposite directions for trains to travel anywhere has been filled with obstacles.  The first incline went fairly smoothly, while the second incline has been a trip!  I had to increase the grade to make it all fit, and have now done it three times to get the grade not too steep in one place.    I'll get some photographs when I get the lower end cleaned up.  You can't see the work for all the tools and extra track sections. 

07B23CD1-58BF-483B-A0C6-7882C78DEE81Taking Arnold Cribari’s advice, I ran an engine that has been stored awhile.  This is a Lionel TM with a Custom Trains shell - in my favorite Reading scheme.  
    Unfortunately the layout will be coming down as we’re moving back east !  Too much winter for the CEO & I.  The train room development will be a priority in whatever basement we buy back east !

Rich in SD awhile longer


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Hi their guys I hope your all doing well! If you're on the east coast, I hope your all making it through your Norester and fun snow! For the guys in California, I hope you don't float away!

It has been a couple of day since I posted and commented last. But I have been busy trying to fit used plywood from the old layout to the new. It is coming along, but more on that later!

@darlanderDave nice work on the coal loads! I really like the Brennan's Model RR products and their great staff!

@RSJB18 Bob That is so much nicer than mine, but then again with the rebuild I have a second chance to redo it also. On my old layout I had 4 buck converters for all the lights on the layout. Buildings, car, anything that had a light in it! LOL

@DrSteveDC Steve All I can says is WOW the industrial area is fantastic! I can't wait to see what you do with main street!

@Aegis21 Looks like you have a great start! I also like to layout the track to make sure everything is as SCARM says it is! LOL

@Dave Ripp. Dave sorry the paint and plaster didn't work well together! If it was me I would be looking for a new street paving boss! LOL But I am sure you already know someone that can take care of it!

@Tony H Tony great job on the roads and parking area!

@Farmall-JoeJoe wonderful job on the NHRR freight house! Looks really cool!

@trumpettrain Patrick I am glad you were able to make room to work, but also to let go of some of the boxes! Due to lack of knowledge I threw away most of my rolling stock boxes when I opened them. I kept all the engine boxes. But then again, I don't care because I plan on keeping everything and when it is time to sell, I will be 6' under! LOL

@Sams Trains Sam that sure is a great haul indeed! Larry sure comes across as a wonderful guy and his gift to you shows it more than most people will know! I like how he is helping build the younger generation for the next 50 more years of model RR!  It sure is nice to belong to a RR club and with that gift now you also have to find a place for a TT! Good luck and I will be checking in!

@WesternPacific2217 Scott Outstanding work and a wonderful video!

@Lionelski John, what a great idea! I just took down shelves in the train room as I would have had to climb on the layout to get to them!

Ok guys I know I said a lot, but you all deserve to be recognized! One time someone asked me why I try to comment on all the projects, my answer was because they are taking the time to share it with me, which in return I am learning so much as I am a picture person not really a book person. And for a person getting into model trains at the age of 50 when I started I was already behind!

I will post tomorrow what I have been up to and hope to put a smile on your face as you all put a smile on my face!

I sure hope you all find time to have fun with your layout and trains!

@mike g. posted:


@Lionelski John, what a great idea! I just took down shelves in the train room as I would have had to climb on the layout to get to them!

I sure hope you all find time to have fun with your layout and trains!

Hi Mike,

I have shelves on the wall behind my layout too - unreachable except at one end. I load them up by putting a car on the shelf track and pushing it along with another - So on and so on. They couple so I can pull them back the same way.

Stay safe!

Had to go back and read 3 or 4 pages to get caught up.   All the projects and photos are much appreciated, it's great to see folks layouts and projects evolve on this thread.   

I have made significant progress on the viaduct project since I last posted. Progress has been slow, but, nothing is level in this scene, by design.   Managed to get the elevations and slopes figured out and cut up and texture all the 2.5 inch thick foam pieces  I am using for "scenery base" material.  Also managed to actually apply the paint, glue and scenic materials to the left side of the creek bed. 

Just took some photos of the carved textured foam before I go down and prime it with flat latex paint tonight so you can see what it looks like before and after.   Decided to use the foam for a couple of reasons, it's compressible and can be bent so it conforms to openings that aren't perfectly straight.  Also I can remove it, paint it and glue all the dirt, grass and weeds to it, then put it back in place without the danger of making a mess and ruining all the paint and weathering work I did previously on the viaduct....



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@RSJB18 posted:

Looks like someone is making room for a big turntable.......

Good guess, but not quite! I am drafting plans for where I want to put it, but that's going to be an expansion from this table. Small hint: if you know Eric Siegel's layout well, he has an issue with part of his main table due to how it was constructed years and years ago. While my purpose is different from what his was going to be, the design is still the same. I am taking a slightly different route so I won't encounter the same issue

@Sams Trains Is it a subway line? I remember Eric talking about how he tried to make one on his main table but abandoned it. Now he has sagging issues and has to use car jacks to support the upper level.

Also, your layout is looking great! Definitely a layout any modeler would be envious about.

Close. I am building an upper level that comes over what is cut out, but instead of doing what Eric did and building a table over a table, I'm going to be securing the table directly to the supports below it for maximum stability. This also eliminates a chance for the boards below to bend. Any tracks I run below it I will just place boards for. That also means I have more maneuverability and less of a chance to hit my head under the layout when I am getting freight cars out

Thank you! Just watched your video on the Dollywood express. My layout is about a bit north from Pigeon forge, about an hour or so. Feel free to email me via the email in my bio if you every have the time to stop by!

@Sams Trains posted:

Close. I am building an upper level that comes over what is cut out, but instead of doing what Eric did and building a table over a table, I'm going to be securing the table directly to the supports below it for maximum stability. This also eliminates a chance for the boards below to bend. Any tracks I run below it I will just place boards for. That also means I have more maneuverability and less of a chance to hit my head under the layout when I am getting freight cars out

Thank you! Just watched your video on the Dollywood express. My layout is about a bit north from Pigeon forge, about an hour or so. Feel free to email me via the email in my bio if you every have the time to stop by!

Cool! Cannot wait to see more progress.

I will definitely consider your offer! I am back in Texas and the next time I will be up that way is in July. After that I do not know when I will be back since I will be starting college this fall semester.

Cool! Cannot wait to see more progress.

I will definitely consider your offer! I am back in Texas and the next time I will be up that way is in July. After that I do not know when I will be back since I will be starting college this fall semester

July would work well for me, as my layout has to be operational by July 15th for a special showing to the LOTS convention. Keep me posted, and feel free to bring a train or two if you want!

Here's an update with the coach names installed on all 3 of the CZ coaches. I reprinted the coach names with a larger font in bold and changed the spacing in between the letters. All in all the project turned out pretty good, not perfect.

One more thing to do to the SILVER CAFE dining car, finish painting the interior!

And here they are in action with my full WP CZ consist. Also, the WP F7 ABBA set has borrowed power from Denver & Rio Grande Western. I love the way it looks! After all, the California Zephyr was operated by 3 railroads, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (CB&Q), Denver & Rio Grande Western (D&RGW) and Western Pacific (WP).

Happy Railroading!!!

Those are some great looking cars. Some day I'd like to find some 21" cars and make up a train.

Morning guys it's another beautiful day, no sg and maybe there would not be so much at one time.

@chris a Chris looking great, and I love the idea of getting most of the grass, shrubs and paint in place before you just drop it into place!

@Sams Trains Sam that sure is a lot of work and a huge layout! Question, how come all your plywood is all green? Also wonderful photo from @leapinlarry layout! You are so lucky to live so close to such a great guy and layout!

Well as for me guy I have been cutting sections of plywood to try and get enough for the upper level, I think I might have it but not for sure yet. I start putting things up and then remember I have to do this and that so then it comes back down. Like painting the sky-blue paint under the upper level so its all black. Then put up the sheet of plywood and remember you didn't paint the support blocks, then remembering you didn't cut access hole in the lower level to get to main level tracks. LOL If it isn't one thing it's another. But I just keep plugging forward!

Here is a couple video's of where I stand right now, I had to build the military train so I could get the shelves off the wall.

I hope this works! I will check in later after some train room time and some CEO time!

I hope you all have a wonderful day and find time to have fun with your layouts and trains!

Last edited by mike g.
@DrSteveDC posted:

Project red light green light complete thanks to a 24vac relay and some simple wiring.

Nice Steve, I thought that I’d show my application of stopping the trains when the bridge is up. On one end I used a Pennsy signal bridge. The flickering blue light is a welders torch. He is working on the bridge. On the other end I used a wigwag signal. I got the idea when I used to pass a lift bridge adjacent to truck 1&9 in NJ. They had a smash board that was vertical and would drop down when the bridge was going up. I was going to use an HO crossing gate to model it; but then decided on the wigwag.


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Evening guys I hope you all had a great day!

So I spent a good amount of the day in the train room today, I worked on the upper level, until I read the comment fr9om Farmall-Joe. But it was still train related! LOL

@Sams Trains Same thanks for letting me know you do indeed paint them, I was worried my eyesight was getting worse than I thought! LOL

@Farmall-Joe Joe, thanks for catching that! I completely forgot to do a test run and you were spot on with the clearance problem! Thanks again!

@Strap Hanger I am not sure about a military base, I built the train when I was still stuck in my office in the house with no layout! But I am sure I will have room somewhere for something military.

@pennsyfan Bob, Great warning system at each end of the bridge! I never thought of putting something like that up for my lift bridge!

Well guys as I said I did get some work done in the train room today, I got some pop out hatches made, laid some more cork and track for the upper level , fixed the clearance problem that Joe found. It is was a easy fix, I took out the 072 curve and replaced it with a 080 curve to force it out further and then because it was flex track I just pushed that out a little more. It is not the prettiest but most of it will be under the upper level. and then I worked on my lighting for under the upper level.

Here is a short video and some photos.

Clearance fix.


And then my lighting project, I had a choice between Green, Red, and Blue. I really like the blue for inside the tunnel. You can see the white LED housing for the new lights.


Give me your thoughts!

I hope you all have a good night and take sometime to dream about your layouts and trains! LOL


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@mike g. posted:

Evening guys I hope you all had a great day!

@pennsyfan Bob, Great warning system at each end of the bridge! I never thought of putting something like that up for my lift bridge!

Well guys as I said I did get some work done in the train room today, I got some pop out hatches made, laid some more cork and track for the upper level , fixed the clearance problem that Joe found. It is was a easy fix, I took out the 072 curve and replaced it with a 080 curve to force it out further and then because it was flex track I just pushed that out a little more. It is not the prettiest but most of it will be under the upper level. and then I worked on my lighting for under the upper level.

Here is a short video and some photos.

Clearance fix.


And then my lighting project, I had a choice between Green, Red, and Blue. I really like the blue for inside the tunnel. You can see the white LED housing for the new lights.


Give me your thoughts!

I hope you all have a good night and take sometime to dream about your layouts and trains! LOL

Thanks Mike,

Just wondering if there will ever be 72’ passenger cars on that inner track? If so I suggest putting one of them in the curve. Also how about using another large engine in both directions and maybe a caboose with lanterns. What I’m getting at is, that gondola is slim compared to other equipment.
Keep moving forward laying that track.

Last edited by pennsyfan
@mike g. posted:

Evening guys I hope you all had a great day!

So I spent a good amount of the day in the train room today, I worked on the upper level, until I read the comment fr9om Farmall-Joe. But it was still train related! LOL

Well guys as I said I did get some work done in the train room today, I got some pop out hatches made, laid some more cork and track for the upper level , fixed the clearance problem that Joe found. It is was a easy fix, I took out the 072 curve and replaced it with a 080 curve to force it out further and then because it was flex track I just pushed that out a little more. It is not the prettiest but most of it will be under the upper level. and then I worked on my lighting for under the upper level.

Here is a short video and some photos.

Clearance fix.


And then my lighting project, I had a choice between Green, Red, and Blue. I really like the blue for inside the tunnel. You can see the white LED housing for the new lights.

Give me your thoughts!

I hope you all have a good night and take sometime to dream about your layouts and trains! LOL

Mike- I'd put some of of your Husky stacks on the other track and check the clearances. Put your biggest next to your biggest and check. Run both ways and forward and reverse too. IIRC you have some long BNSF diesels too. Check one of them next to the steamer.

The blue LED's look great!


Morninng Bob's, I have a bunch of 21" passenger cars, I will put a couple of them on there and see what happens! Thanks for the heads up, I don't think its going to be a problem as the inner loops curve starts further back into the layout.

I guess I will be under the layout looking for long cars and another big engine! LOL

Last edited by mike g.

Hi guys just an update, I went out and pulled out the biggest engine and longest cars I have and you guys were correct! I pulled up the track and was able to get the cork back up without destroying it. The cork is back down with new track plan and once it sets up a little I will put the new track back down and try again! LOL

Photos later today and maybe even a video!

@mike g. posted:

Hi guys just an update, I went out and pulled out the biggest engine and longest cars I have and you guys were correct! I pulled up the track and was able to get the cork back up without destroying it. The cork is back down with new track plan and once it sets up a little I will put the new track back down and try again! LOL

Photos later today and maybe even a video!

Excited to see it Mike! Would love to see some trains running on it too if you feel like uploading a video

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