I spent a few hours over the last few days and today cleaning the Ross sectional track and switches from my last layout (2006-2019) in preparation for installation with additional new Ross components on my new layout. For the most part any built-up crud was gone after a few passes with a Lionel or Woodland Scenics track cleaning "eraser" followed by a few swipes of a green or yellow Scotch-brite pad. Every so often, a little "elbow grease" as my Mom would have put it, was needed on a stubborn speck of crud.
Almost all of the power clips added by Ross at the factory, such as the one appearing on the lower track in the photo, were in good shape, some still with the red and black wires from the last layout's wiring scheme. On a few other sections, like the one in the upper part of the photo, where I added power clips to illuminate yard track occupancy lights on my control panel were still in place and in good shape for re-use.
One of this week's tasks is to "dry fit" all the track this week to see if my track planning was accurate. Hopefully I won't need to make any "emergency purchases" of some additional piece I forgot to buy a few months ago.
I noticed while cleaning the track pieces on my last layout's mainline and passing siding tracks where my track cleaning gondolas rolled often had less or almost no crud on them than the lesser used stub or yard tracks. Those gondolas which I purchase for five bucks apiece more than earned their keep on the last layout. (I know, I know, I need to hide the sponge a bit better with a black sharpie or some spray paint.)
We also sort of kit-bashed another couple of items to make working on the layout a bit easier adding a paper towel holder from Ace Hardware to the red metal tool cart I purchased in 2006 from Harbor Freight. Previously, the paper towel roll was just thrown on the middle shelf and usually "just out of reach" when you needed to wipe off some mess right away. The "Charge of Quarters" used our Dremel tool to drill the holes and then attached the mounting nuts and bolts while I held everything in place. Tomorrow's task is filling the various baskets on the tool cart with tools, scenery supplies, etc. so they're handing for either layout or workbench use.