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Today, with graph paper, redrew track plan to double the original planned width of layout branch, for eight feet of it, to provide for an unwanted 42" radius U-shaped curve dropping six inches around the end of the "box canyon".  Originally drawn as a dead end box canyon, like Telluride or Ouray...still a box canyon but now with this descending curve around one end...I don't like it!  It loses some of the realism of a point to point, and may make branch that isn't a loop, look like a loop.  There is no room to switch cars on the floor of the canyon unless....and most sidings and other trackage, structure locations, etc. have to be replanned, and logging branches eliminated, with just a track into a tunnel mouth for an imaginary route off into the woods (going to have to figure out how to save at least one logging extension).


First time in a long time I got time to work on the layout.  I added some street lights to my city but didn't get them wired in.  Also planned how the next street will look and made a list of what buildings I will need to pick up.  I also cleaned the train room a little bit.  It got a little unorganized this summer.

In the last few days I finished and installed the remaining wall mounted brackets for the bench work and got about 70% of the lgirders installed. But alas, painting the living room prior to Thanksgiving company takes priority for a while and the train room becomes a storage bin. (I think I can find a way to spend a few cycles in the train room though late at night)

Patrick was here this afternoon, and the space I cleared is now filling up with layout and workbench.

This may look a little strange, but when complete there will be a small yard up there.



Patrick assembles the missing piece of the upper deck.



I decided to go with the same LED lighting for the workbench as I'm using on the layout.



Patrick salvaged those cabinets from an old bank branch. I'm still pondering the best configuration for them. I think I'm going to move the one with the tools in it, to the  right side.

Patrick will be back Friday. I'm going to try to build some toe kicks for the cabinets to sit on, and polish off the electrical.



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Got someone with a truck to come by, but bought foam because it was raining and snowing last night so Homasote would not have done so well on the trip home. Today- dragged my wet foam in the house, and unscrewed the temporary screws from the track. Took out the switched figure 8 from the center oval and toyed with the looks of a yard instead. I don't care for switching much, but I love yards. I think its gonna happen.

Originally Posted by c. lee colbert:

I am in the planning stages of building a new O gauge layout using old post war tinplate track, mixed with some gargraves straights....this will be my second layout. The first one I built back in 1991. 

 the room is about 14 feet by 12 feet, and I want to build a perimeter layout so you can walk in the middle of the room.

Well, it’s taken me more time than I expected but the latest revisions to The Ironbound are finally complete, and TODAY, I posted some of the revisions on my website. Notice that I did a lot of work on integrating flat backgrounds with fully-dimensional foreground models, allowing me to squeeze more modeling into my limited space. More to come, but here's a quick look at a few of them.


More can be seen on my website at


~Andy R!

This was really fun today.  I dragged my pile of Greenberg reference books to the layout and spent a few hours finally identifying some of the plethora of various ancient tinplate signals and lights.  Bing, Ives, Hafner, Marx, Flyer, along with all the Lionel stuff that I had pretty much already ID'd.  It's kinda neat to find, 'yep, that's the one!'   Often pinpoints the year they were made, too.  Makes for longer entries in the inventory spreadsheet.


Also set up the Christmas trains on the tracks, I'm ready.




Just taking a break from wiring.  I have a schematic all done thanks to Schemeit by DigiKey.  The relays work great (6VAC DPDT relays).  Got the banjo signal swinging.  Made some last minute tweaks to the blocking.  Just printed a revised schematic.  Might have a piece of Halloween candy and then back to the basement!

Stayed up till after Midnight, but I got the basic blocking and automation done!  Tested it out with my M&M's hand car and Strasburg #475. I'm a bit worried about longer consists skidding over the dead sections of track at higher speeds.  Not much I think I can do about that with conventional control and relays.


Going to have a cup of coffee and then shoot a video.


Then I'll have to figure out how to embed videos on this thing.

I wasn't sure what the "Brotherhood of the Crappy Basement Layout" it a crappy basement, a crappy layout or both? I am a member now.


So, Last week I made repairs to the stucco that covered the block basement wall. Then I set about removing years of nails, old wiring hangers, screw eyes and anything else from the floor joists. I then installed some nice track lighting with daylight (5000K) CFL bulbs. What a big difference!


The crappy basement will have a somewhat crappy 12' x 12' train room. But, I suppose, since I'll still be in the basement it will be a nice layout in a nice train room in a crappy basement.


Modular wall panels(like theater or tv set) for the other two walls next, then sky and wall paint.

Tested and ran equipment that will run on a Christmas layout that Im building at a music studio where I teach.  


Also worked on my permanent layout today most of the day..... relaying some of the track work on my bottom inner loop, testing my one and only tight curve with a string of freight cars, installed a k line switch on the inner loop ... figuring out a wiring scheme for that same loop ... organized boxes that are under the layout.... repositioned locomotives on my wall storage shelves... lubricated some locomotives.... worked with my new dremel tool ... took some rolling stock off the layout and put it on shelving..... ran some trains ... did some general planning.

Originally Posted by trumptrain:

 did some general planning.

Yes.  Thinking is real work.  Especially with the size of some of the layouts I'm seeing on here.  I spent a lot of time this weekend checking and double-checking my schematic for my conventionally controlled layout with relay automation.  The thinking is some of the best fun!

Nothing really to show at this point.


The attic layout is two halves. The benchwork and the room is on the "finished" side is done. I'm currently working on the "unfinished" side. Yesterday I bought the last of the plywood for the unfinished side. Took 7 4x8 sheets of plywood and turned big pieces into smaller pieces. Humped them up to the attic. I'll post some pics of this phase once the painting is done.



Matt was over on Sunday, and we strung the detection wires for the section of the upper deck where he laid the track last month. All that's left to do is tie the ground wires together, and run everything back to the power supply.



I started to lay out Pigs Eye yard.



It was difficult to find a good "before" shot of the new workbench area. It seems that I always take pictures of what I am working on and not just random stuff. On the left side you can see the old plastic shelves.

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The blank slate...

It's not done, but it's getting close.

I've been gathering tools and parts from all around the train room. It feels good getting organized.


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