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Gandydancer- sorry to hear about the flood. At least the damage wasn't a total disaster. Gotta get my stuff off the floor. I have everything stored under the layout too. Never had water but just one busted pipe could mean the end. Just watch any walls that got wet for mold especially next summer.

Paul- the bricks and sidewalks look good.

Elliot- no worries, It's a very short walk to crazy for me so it doesn't take much.


Big_Boy_4005 posted:

Thanks to all who hit the like button. Been kind of busy lately, so my forum time has been way down. I'm expecting to hear from the convention tour guy anytime now. He's going to want to take pictures, and the place is a mess. That's what happens when you're making progress. I've been using my dialysis time for the forum. Makes my four hours go fast.

Mike - I managed to not crash after dinner Monday, but I didn't get downstairs either. My wife had a different idea, organize the bedroom closet. Would rather have had a nap. Least she stopped bugging me.

Bob - Thanks. Sorry, I don't mean to boggle your mind.


Worked yesterday, pretty much confined to the end of aisle one.

I added all of the cardboard to support the plaster cloth around the back curve and a short section of the front curve, connecting the completed sections.


The front curve is going to be this girder viaduct.


I bought three Chooch bridge piers from Scenic Express, not knowing exactly what I needed, or even how many. They were way too tall for this project, and there weren't enough. A little table saw "surgery", and the creation of three new tops, and there were six the correct height. They all need paint, and are good to go.


I used the Sawzall to remove the plywood and foam roadbed. This may have been premature, since there is still so much work to be done behind it. Oh well, worst case, I'll whip up a hard temporary cover for it. Once I decide on the position and count of the piers, I'll have to drill two of them for the feeders. Fortunately, I can move them if I need to.


The removed section with it's "track shadow".


This is where the very compressed lift bridge will go. I'll be cutting away the roadbed, and removing the the 2x4 support eventually. The new cut will be just under the end of the switch, widening the river and lengthening the bridge.


Gonna try this not crashing thing again tonight. Fingers crossed.

Elliot, I am sorry you didn't get down to work on the layout, but remember happy, happy life! What you have got done is once again impressive! I cant wait to see the curved girder viaduct in place! Keep up the great work!

Jim, I am glad you got your reindeer cars! They will look great under the Christmas tree!

NS Trainman, wonderful work on the ballast and ground cover! Looks really nice!

Paul, Things are coming right along, streets, curbs, next thing you know you will have traffic along with a cop somewhere waiting for those speeders! Looks great!

CMSCANUCK, your right at 32 you have plenty of time to plan and build your dream layout. I think its a great plan to spend your time doing kits and projects to keep you interested! You sure have a nice work stating there, now its time to get it dirty! LOL

RSJB18 posted:

Hey Mike- any framing up yet?

Hi Jim, nothing as of yet, its been snowing here, and is to do it again threw out the weekend! Someone please make it go away! But I still hope to get most of my lumber tomorrow and put it in the garage for now! On my side not momma's She needs her parking space! LOL

Little things this morning. I covered the foam I glued down with plaster wrap. Then got the crossing glued down. On that I have to trim some of the pieces. I took the two crossing signals and trimmed the base making a smaller footprint. As soon as the wrap dries I can mix up some plaster and cover a few things. Speaking of crossings I have a dumb question........On a one way street is the crossing protected from both directions. I tried finding some photos on that but only found two way street crossings. And help is appreciated. Pics.......Thanks PaulDSCN1480DSCN1481


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mike g. posted:

I say just let summer begin! Its 25 here right now!

we in the southwest deserts did our time of high heat now's your turn to be in a closed up home!

your time is coming soon we will heat up again and the shoe will be on other foot so to speak.

meantime seeing you live in a snow state make a winter layout take some track and make an oval in snow the perfect winter scene cost of snow effect scenic details zero.

at least those pesky mosquito's are not bothering you now!



StPaul posted:
mike g. posted:

I say just let summer begin! Its 25 here right now!

we in the southwest deserts did our time of high heat now's your turn to be in a closed up home!

your time is coming soon we will heat up again and the shoe will be on other foot so to speak.

meantime seeing you live in a snow state make a winter layout take some track and make an oval in snow the perfect winter scene cost of snow effect scenic details zero.

at least those pesky mosquito's are not bothering you now!



LOL Paul, I lived In Peoria Az, before so I know about the heat, to be honest I loved it there. But its better to be close to family! So here I am. One day I may become a snow bird! LOL

carsntrains posted:
mike g. posted:
gandydancer1950 posted:

Basement flooded last week Friday for the first time ever. A real mess ensued but also somewhat of a blessing as I was able to throw out worthless stuff that I had been hanging onto for far too many years. No damage to the layout or any trains but a lot of clean up. Just need to install new flooring and lug everything back downstairs......20180221_171653

Sorry to hear that! It just sucks, but I am glad nothing important got damaged.

I hope you figure out why it flooded and can do something to keep it from happening again!!! 


Thanks Jim, and yes we found a collapsed sewer pipe going to the street. City already repaired it.

RSJB18 posted:

Gandydancer- sorry to hear about the flood. At least the damage wasn't a total disaster. Gotta get my stuff off the floor. I have everything stored under the layout too. Never had water but just one busted pipe could mean the end. Just watch any walls that got wet for mold especially next summer.

Paul- the bricks and sidewalks look good.

Elliot- no worries, It's a very short walk to crazy for me so it doesn't take much.


Thanks Bob. We disinfected and dried the heck out of the basement. Just for added prevention I have 2 dehumidifiers and a fan going for a week now. Thanks for your concern!

Into the afternoon I am still working on the little things. Trimmed pieces on the grade crossing then as an after thought I took a straw cutting a couple of pieces and used them as a drainage pipe under one of crossing between the tracks then I back filled with ballast and glued everything down. Taking Mike G's advice I glued down the crossing signals on both sides of the track. Now with the plaster wrap dry on the foam I can mix up some plaster and fill in all the areas. Pics.............Paul



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M. Mitchell Marmel posted:

I've discovered that American Flyer old time style 4-4-0s are tricky little beggars to dismantle and tune up.  However,  the JRM Museum's 'Franklin' is now up and running nicely!  

Also did a bit of restoration on a distressed ZW.  The top plate is missing; how does one tell a 250 watt from a 275 watt model?  


The later laminations have rivets to dampen the hum more

   I'd think one may weigh a tad more also. I don't think they pulled the extra 25w from that Tesla atmospheric catenary

Thanks Art, I am just trying to follow your lead. Mike, Getting anxious to see the start of building. I kept doing little things. I mixed enough plaster to do what I wanted to do. Maybe it will dry and after dinner tonight I can start to color it. The only thing I can do now is maybe start another Downtown Deco building. My other projects are still on hold because I haven't got the things I ordered yet. While I'm on the computer I am going to order electrical stuff I need to start wiring the basement layout. Pics.............Paul



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Mark, that was funny. I was down working on the layout and I finished what I could do for the time being. And as I walked through the living room the wife asked if I would like to watch the game to which I politely said no LOL. So I picked out my next Downtown Deco building, The Pawn Shop. I got the first coat of color on the plaster. I had a corner section of sidewalk left so I laid it down and found out I had to piece in some road at the corner or I would of had to narrow the road to make the sidewalk work. I placed an order for electrical stuff and hopefully that will come this week. Calling it quits for the night but I'll stay on the computer till the game is over then I can go watch TV LOL. Pics..............Paul 



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Wired the table for accessories. The last thing I need to do is drop the feeders for the FT. The coaling tower wasn't hooked up properly (short wires) so I'll need to reconnect it to my accessory lines, but for now it's connected to my O27 track by a lockon.


Now to clean things up and set up the remotes for the switches. Here is the layout "at night".


The wife is on to me. She came in tonight and her first words were "Where did all this come from?" followed immediately by "And how much did you spend?"

I replied "Honestly, I'm not keeping track ." And that my friends , is the God's honest truth. 


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M. Mitchell Marmel posted:
Adriatic posted:

Mitch are those telltales steel?

Nope.  Plastic.  The telltale rod is steel, though.  


I'm sorry, that is the cantilevered pole?

I supposed the tale tails might be plastic, but the pole & rod (?) was my query, sure.

I did look but found others; they were very interesting but not the same. Look for the 2 threads of tell tales (real trains & T.T.s "modded") (tell tails ?) because I planned on showing them for a laugh later.

Deuce posted:

Wired the table for accessories. The last thing I need to do is drop the feeders for the FT. The coaling tower wasn't hooked up properly (short wires) so I'll need to reconnect it to my accessory lines, but for now it's connected to my O27 track by a lockon.


Now to clean things up and set up the remotes for the switches. Here is the layout "at night".


The wife is on to me. She came in tonight and her first words were "Where did all this come from?" followed immediately by "And how much did you spend?"

I replied "Honestly, I'm not keeping track ." And that my friends , is the God's honest truth. 

Night running....oooh .ahhhh. pretty.

Time to bring to box home 

Maybe filled with something not for you?

It has been almost a year since I tore down my layout, not counting a carpet layout which was a poor substitute. I have not been idle, however, but working hard cleaning out my new living quarters-half of a frame house near Chambersburg. The guy who lived there( deceased) was a true hoarder and never threw anything away or wasted time cleaning. So I have spent the better par of a week cleaning out the place.  We have bagged and boxed about a truckload of  trash, old furniture and everything else preparing the way for a layout. That is the driving force behind it all.  The place needs some repairs and a good cleaning before the layout gets built. The dumpster comes next week.  No one ever said that the road to a nice layout was easy.

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