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20180220_21382920180220_21390420180220_21391820180220_214020I finally completed the rest of my first extended operating session tonight. Hope my photography improves.

1st. K4 bringing mail train to rural station for pickup.

2nd. M1a taking coal after hauling 9 oil tankers to staging for next leg.

3rd. K4 hidden in yard taking water before continuing fast mail assignment.

4th. String of 9 tankers.

5th. B6s moving a mix in the yard.

6th. Consolidation hauling mix of empties and products from city to yard for sorting and staging.


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Last edited by pennsynut

Made a little more progress today, added another layer to the top.  My wife has requested that we put some type of building on top and some bears.  Maybe a chapel...bride trying to run away,,,,,,and bears attacking the groom......what ever happens she want to see some bears on the hill.  We can do that!  I think we have reached the proper height, but may put another layer in the back once we find a building to put on it  and go from there.  

Bob, so far I have only used various utility knifes, both sharp and dull for various effects.  

Just a little more shaping and then we will try some finish work on it.  Trees will be a must, but I am just starting to shop around for those at the moment.  

I'm starting to like this adventure......




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Hung my shelf.  Is under the fascia board my wife’s friend painted for the xmas layout.  That still gets me, is so nice of her to do.  This was a fun little project.  Would be interesting to see the variations others might create to display their favorites.

Note:  Am disappointed with the brackets.  Would like something hidden.  I have an idea, but need a welder/torch for metal rod work, to implement.  Anybody have something else?



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beardog posted:

Back to trains, I think Jim was talking about his Marx 666 earlier. I pulled one of mine off

the shelf, put a tender, 10 marx postwar boxcars and a caboose behind it and turned on

the power. Lots of wheel spin, but no forward progress. Lubed all the axles but that didn't help

much. It would move a bit with a little push, but not much. Tried 9 cars, no improvement.

At 7 cars it would move on its own, but the marx couplers would not stay together. Perhaps on

a layout with wider turns and longer straights it could do better. 

This might help....


TedW posted:

Hung my shelf.  Is under the fascia board my wife’s friend painted for the xmas layout.  That still gets me, is so nice of her to do.  This was a fun little project.  Would be interesting to see the variations others might create to display their favorites.

Note:  Am disappointed with the brackets.  Would like something hidden.  I have an idea, but need a welder/torch for metal rod work, to implement.  Anybody have something else?


Lots of hidden brackets available Ted. check HD, Lowes, Manards. The shelf and the painting look great together.


Thaddeus posted:

Made a little more progress today, added another layer to the top.  My wife has requested that we put some type of building on top and some bears.  Maybe a chapel...bride trying to run away,,,,,,and bears attacking the groom......what ever happens she want to see some bears on the hill.  We can do that!  I think we have reached the proper height, but may put another layer in the back once we find a building to put on it  and go from there.  

Bob, so far I have only used various utility knifes, both sharp and dull for various effects.  

Just a little more shaping and then we will try some finish work on it.  Trees will be a must, but I am just starting to shop around for those at the moment.  

I'm starting to like this adventure......



Looks good so far Thaddeus. Like I said, no real right or wrong way to do this. You can always glue on another piece and keep going. I use a Dremel Multi-max to carve foam. Works well with minimal dust. It's a great tool to have anyway.


TedW posted:

Hung my shelf.  Is under the fascia board my wife’s friend painted for the xmas layout.  That still gets me, is so nice of her to do.  This was a fun little project.  Would be interesting to see the variations others might create to display their favorites.

Note:  Am disappointed with the brackets.  Would like something hidden.  I have an idea, but need a welder/torch for metal rod work, to implement.  Anybody have something else?


Ted. here is an idea you might want to try.  You might have to use a thicker board, or you might be able to make that one work. First you mark where your studs are, and make  the same marking on your display board that sits along the wall. Drill holes into studs and same size hole into your display. Insert long lag bolts with the heads cut off, (side note, you can cut the heads off before or after you put them into the wall) Then you should be able to slide your display onto the long end of the bolts sticking out of the wall.

Just an idea! or you can buy something like Bob said!

Last edited by mike g.
TedW posted:

Hung my shelf.  Is under the fascia board my wife’s friend painted for the xmas layout.  That still gets me, is so nice of her to do.  This was a fun little project.  Would be interesting to see the variations others might create to display their favorites.

Note:  Am disappointed with the brackets.  Would like something hidden.  I have an idea, but need a welder/torch for metal rod work, to implement.  Anybody have something else?


     try something like this Ted.... screw 1st board to studs,  then dowel  2nd board on

                           you then have a floating shelf...


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Last edited by briansilvermustang
briansilvermustang posted:
TedW posted:

Hung my shelf.  Is under the fascia board my wife’s friend painted for the xmas layout.  That still gets me, is so nice of her to do.  This was a fun little project.  Would be interesting to see the variations others might create to display their favorites.

Note:  Am disappointed with the brackets.  Would like something hidden.  I have an idea, but need a welder/torch for metal rod work, to implement.  Anybody have something else?


     try something like this Ted.... screw 1st board to studs,  then dowel  2nd board on

                           you then have a floating shelf...

Show off Brian, I would have done a picture also instead of explaining all of it. but I don't have a floating shelf or a picture of one to share! LOL

carsntrains posted:

I like the Glynn Snyder shelf system.  


Ted, your scenic shelf is really beautiful!  If a person can do such a nice job, that is the way to go.

I have not used Glen Snyder, but I like the low profile for someone like me who has little space!  I think there would be less trouble with me bumping into it.  LOL  So far what I have on shelves are on my ugly shelves.  LOL

Mark Boyce posted:
carsntrains posted:

I like the Glynn Snyder shelf system.  


Ted, your scenic shelf is really beautiful!  If a person can do such a nice job, that is the way to go.

I have not used Glen Snyder, but I like the low profile for someone like me who has little space!  I think there would be less trouble with me bumping into it.  LOL  So far what I have on shelves are on my ugly shelves.  LOL

Mark I agree. For storage and display they are awesome!  Now for a single display shelf I think a nice custom wooden one looks great!  Parking being my issue is why I like the GS shelves. 


carsntrains posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
carsntrains posted:

I like the Glynn Snyder shelf system.  


Ted, your scenic shelf is really beautiful!  If a person can do such a nice job, that is the way to go.

I have not used Glen Snyder, but I like the low profile for someone like me who has little space!  I think there would be less trouble with me bumping into it.  LOL  So far what I have on shelves are on my ugly shelves.  LOL

Mark I agree. For storage and display they are awesome!  Now for a single display shelf I think a nice custom wooden one looks great!  Parking being my issue is why I like the GS shelves. 


Yup, I have some GS shelves for the majority of trains, the shelf I sceniced was for display in the family room for a single model.  Something a little more special. Will rotate favorites as the mood strikes.  Brian, are you confident your dowels will hold an Allegheny or AC9 for example?  That’s the only concern, is the weight.  Mike, your idea is along the lines of what I was thinking, only an L bracket. Engine would hide the vertical leg. Thx for the good ideas, keep em’ coming.



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TedW posted:
carsntrains posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
carsntrains posted:

I like the Glynn Snyder shelf system.  


Ted, your scenic shelf is really beautiful!  If a person can do such a nice job, that is the way to go.

I have not used Glen Snyder, but I like the low profile for someone like me who has little space!  I think there would be less trouble with me bumping into it.  LOL  So far what I have on shelves are on my ugly shelves.  LOL

Mark I agree. For storage and display they are awesome!  Now for a single display shelf I think a nice custom wooden one looks great!  Parking being my issue is why I like the GS shelves. 


Yup, I have some GS shelves for the majority of trains, the shelf I sceniced was for display in the family room for a single model.  Something a little more special. Will rotate favorites as the mood strikes.  Brian, are you confident your dowels will hold an Allegheny or AC9 for example?  That’s the only concern, is the weight.  Mike, your idea is along the lines of what I was thinking, only an L bracket. Engine would hide the vertical leg. Thx for the good ideas, keep em’ coming.


WOW you just gave me a good idea ( I think )   I have an old custom mantle that I put away 4 years ago when I took out our fireplace.  To mount in you just screw a 2x3 to the wall into the studs and sit the mantel over it.  Instant train shelf!    Free too!!!!  Sometimes I just dont think lol


On Vacation in Amelia Is Fla with grandkids  this week. But, since my last update, I made a tunnel for the shelf layout


# 1 grandson was at the house nite before we hit the road & we we're like 2 kids in a candy store playing with the trains (hollering & carrying on)!

PS, they have a pair of GP 16's freshly painted here switching out paper mill.


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Thanks to all who hit the like button. Been kind of busy lately, so my forum time has been way down. I'm expecting to hear from the convention tour guy anytime now. He's going to want to take pictures, and the place is a mess. That's what happens when you're making progress. I've been using my dialysis time for the forum. Makes my four hours go fast.

Mike - I managed to not crash after dinner Monday, but I didn't get downstairs either. My wife had a different idea, organize the bedroom closet. Would rather have had a nap. Least she stopped bugging me.

Bob - Thanks. Sorry, I don't mean to boggle your mind.


Worked yesterday, pretty much confined to the end of aisle one.

I added all of the cardboard to support the plaster cloth around the back curve and a short section of the front curve, connecting the completed sections.


The front curve is going to be this girder viaduct.


I bought three Chooch bridge piers from Scenic Express, not knowing exactly what I needed, or even how many. They were way too tall for this project, and there weren't enough. A little table saw "surgery", and the creation of three new tops, and there were six the correct height. They all need paint, and are good to go.


I used the Sawzall to remove the plywood and foam roadbed. This may have been premature, since there is still so much work to be done behind it. Oh well, worst case, I'll whip up a hard temporary cover for it. Once I decide on the position and count of the piers, I'll have to drill two of them for the feeders. Fortunately, I can move them if I need to.


The removed section with it's "track shadow".


This is where the very compressed lift bridge will go. I'll be cutting away the roadbed, and removing the the 2x4 support eventually. The new cut will be just under the end of the switch, widening the river and lengthening the bridge.


Gonna try this not crashing thing again tonight. Fingers crossed.


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  Ted, You might build a small open back "breadbox" off of the bottom out of light woods. Sliding doors with finger holes, or drop down to a mini desk, maybe a rolltop ( easy really)  Alternate train storage  

  Bump it up to four, and or commission/bribe/blackmail that starving artist for more backdrops to do the four seasons of railroading. A filler piece to tie the painting to the shelf? The seasons or time of day are the only parallels I can muster.

   I think you should try facing your engine the other way so they are meeting/passing.

 I wonder if she could paint the brackets to resemble spikes? They already have very near the exact shape. A few minutes on a grinder and the tips might be chiseled more if desired, etc., but that was my first thought to begin with; spikes.


Basement flooded last week Friday for the first time ever. A real mess ensued but also somewhat of a blessing as I was able to throw out worthless stuff that I had been hanging onto for far too many years. No damage to the layout or any trains but a lot of clean up. Just need to install new flooring and lug everything back downstairs......20180221_171653


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gandydancer1950 posted:

Basement flooded last week Friday for the first time ever. A real mess ensued but also somewhat of a blessing as I was able to throw out worthless stuff that I had been hanging onto for far too many years. No damage to the layout or any trains but a lot of clean up. Just need to install new flooring and lug everything back downstairs......20180221_171653

Sorry to hear that! It just sucks, but I am glad nothing important got damaged.

mike g. posted:
gandydancer1950 posted:

Basement flooded last week Friday for the first time ever. A real mess ensued but also somewhat of a blessing as I was able to throw out worthless stuff that I had been hanging onto for far too many years. No damage to the layout or any trains but a lot of clean up. Just need to install new flooring and lug everything back downstairs......20180221_171653

Sorry to hear that! It just sucks, but I am glad nothing important got damaged.

Thanks Mike, I feel very fortunate.

mike g. posted:
gandydancer1950 posted:

Basement flooded last week Friday for the first time ever. A real mess ensued but also somewhat of a blessing as I was able to throw out worthless stuff that I had been hanging onto for far too many years. No damage to the layout or any trains but a lot of clean up. Just need to install new flooring and lug everything back downstairs......20180221_171653

Sorry to hear that! It just sucks, but I am glad nothing important got damaged.

I hope you figure out why it flooded and can do something to keep it from happening again!!! 


WOOO HOOO FINALLY got my reindeer cars !! Didn't even get cussed out over the phone to get them !!!! Thank you Charles Ro !!!!  20180221_200515

Now I need the Christmas disconnect cars and an engine to pull it all with and it will be a complete train!   

Also got that real deal on the Lionel 2015 Christmas car you can see in the background.  19.95.. Sprung trucks and all!  



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carsntrains posted:
cmscanuck posted:

More train room than layout, but I finally have a workbench! Already stocked the shelves with kits/models. 😉


Very nice !!  How much room do you have for your layout? 


Thanks Jim! Unfortunately, with how the basement is setup, not much. I made a 4x8 flip table layout and have my trains on display around the walls. I'm content with building/modeling for the time being with a bigger layout in another house down the road. Luckily, I'm 32 and have plenty of time for a big dream layout later on.  I figure I can start working on buildings/cars for that. :-)

Last edited by cmscanuck

GANDYDANCER1950, A model railroaders worst nightmare. Water in the basement. Glad to hear nothing was in the line of the water to get damaged. CMSCANUCK, nice start to the layout. This afternoon and this evening I worked on lower town. I had some smaller Balsa wood so I decided to do a concrete curb where I just had the plaster meet the road. My brick paper came yesterday so I got the road glued down going into the other tunnel. With a scrap piece of foam I thought a small hill at the tables edge would break up the flatness. So I glued that down and then put curbs in front of it. I glued down some plaster wrap on the edge of the table. Now I am waiting for my sidewalks to come so I can paint them and get them down on the other side. Still have to trim the grade crossing up. Pics.............Paul



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