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Mark Boyce posted:
carsntrains posted:

I got all the choo choos out of mean wifes china cabinet!  All but 2 of them fit in the toolbox .. Lost a wheel set off of a tanker car somewhere???  Can't find it.  Tried to get wife to help.  NAAAAA   On a good note our daughter came over and brought us dinner for my birthday (Monday)  Had some Jamaican pork wraps w/dirty rice,and jerk chicken!!  Was pretty good!  Trying to figure out how to gain some more room for the layout..    HMMMMMMM   

Jim : ) 

I still don’t understand how your trains got in the china cabinet???? I wouldn’t be able to fit a bobber caboose in ours!!  LOL

Well I’m glad you got yours moved!!  You will find the missing wheel set after you replace it with a new one!  Might as well just buy a new one now.  ;-)

Yeah I know what you are saying!!! I put them in there when I first started taking down the living room table layout.   I seem to remember it coming out of the truck some time ago..  Probably in a set box somewhere.   I did find an engine that I forgot I had : )  and some Christmas cars that I got and forgot I put them in there !  I'll try to get you a picture of the tool box ..  My camera person aint being too helpful tonight lol 


   These are GE like the 44t too. At Fords as 125t & 132t. Solid blue, solid black, or red. I've read the red was solid too and I suspect the red here is photoshopped as I only saw a blk&wht version for many years. The color shot only appeared for me for the first time about 4 years ago.

I love chrome!, You know  this is on my top ten list of "somedays"

th [13)th [12)


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Worked on Brewery front some more tonight.  I cut out the two loading dock doors and made false interior spaces and painted them tonight. I am going to reuse the one wooden loading dock door in the interior back wall of the dock. The other dock interior will probably get a photo applied to to it (like bottling floor  of brewery)  I will be installing micro warm light LED chips in the ceilings of these two dock insides so that you can see the interior space. I also got these awesome 3D printed bottles with the old fashioned wood cases and also some beer kegs which haven't arrived yet. I paint the cases wood tonight and will be applying translucent brown paint to the bottles. I will be starting painting tomorrow after making and attaching mounting brackets to hold the light box on the back of the front.

I also worked on repainting a Twin Whistle engine house and will be installing a couple lights in the interior and I want to add to red lights to the front. Thinking of 3D printing a lamp base and use a LED inside of a red bead

And last night I worked on painting two fronts from DSL shops. The bank and Goldblatt's fronts. I'm not done painting the Glodblatt's front yet. This is also going to be a Woolworth's and Dave from Crescent Locomotive works is working on this sign along with a few others, like the brewery sign.

The Red sign is really going to pop with the gold letters and black diamonds

carsntrains posted:

I got all the choo choos out of mean wifes china cabinet!  All but 2 of them fit in the toolbox .. Lost a wheel set off of a tanker car somewhere???  Can't find it.  Tried to get wife to help.  NAAAAA   On a good note our daughter came over and brought us dinner for my birthday (Monday)  Had some Jamaican pork wraps w/dirty rice,and jerk chicken!!  Was pretty good!  Trying to figure out how to gain some more room for the layout..    HMMMMMMM   

Jim : ) 

Jim, I know you know this but I will shoot you a reminder. You can do like me and build extra room,, or make a mean wife Happy, VERY HAPPY! My wife is happy I am taking the trains out to the garage addition. LOL

CSX Al posted:

Worked on Brewery front some more tonight.  I cut out the two loading dock doors and made false interior spaces and painted them tonight. I am going to reuse the one wooden loading dock door in the interior back wall of the dock. The other dock interior will probably get a photo applied to to it (like bottling floor  of brewery)  I will be installing micro warm light LED chips in the ceilings of these two dock insides so that you can see the interior space. I also got these awesome 3D printed bottles with the old fashioned wood cases and also some beer kegs which haven't arrived yet. I paint the cases wood tonight and will be applying translucent brown paint to the bottles. I will be starting painting tomorrow after making and attaching mounting brackets to hold the light box on the back of the front.

I also worked on repainting a Twin Whistle engine house and will be installing a couple lights in the interior and I want to add to red lights to the front. Thinking of 3D printing a lamp base and use a LED inside of a red bead

And last night I worked on painting two fronts from DSL shops. The bank and Goldblatt's fronts. I'm not done painting the Glodblatt's front yet. This is also going to be a Woolworth's and Dave from Crescent Locomotive works is working on this sign along with a few others, like the brewery sign.

The Red sign is really going to pop with the gold letters and black diamonds

Looking just Great Al ! I like how you bring the buildings to life. From a box to the layout with the look of something you might have just walked out of in real life. GREAT WORK!

Deuce posted:

Layout needed some cleaning up. So packed stuff away, put most of my tools back in their spots, and wired some of the accessories. 

It's coming along, but definitely a work in progress.

Looks good Deuce, don't pack to much away, you might forget what you have! LOL I know I have boxes I don't even know what in them. But I know its train stuff! LOL

carsntrains posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
carsntrains posted:

I got all the choo choos out of mean wifes china cabinet!  All but 2 of them fit in the toolbox .. Lost a wheel set off of a tanker car somewhere???  Can't find it.  Tried to get wife to help.  NAAAAA   On a good note our daughter came over and brought us dinner for my birthday (Monday)  Had some Jamaican pork wraps w/dirty rice,and jerk chicken!!  Was pretty good!  Trying to figure out how to gain some more room for the layout..    HMMMMMMM   

Jim : ) 

I still don’t understand how your trains got in the china cabinet???? I wouldn’t be able to fit a bobber caboose in ours!!  LOL

Well I’m glad you got yours moved!!  You will find the missing wheel set after you replace it with a new one!  Might as well just buy a new one now.  ;-)

Yeah I know what you are saying!!! I put them in there when I first started taking down the living room table layout.   I seem to remember it coming out of the truck some time ago..  Probably in a set box somewhere.   I did find an engine that I forgot I had : )  and some Christmas cars that I got and forgot I put them in there !  I'll try to get you a picture of the tool box ..  My camera person aint being too helpful tonight lol 


Trains in the china cabinet would be a non-starter in my house. The CEO is barely tolerating trains in the basement

Happy Birthday Jim! That dinner sounds good. Does your daughter deliver?????

RSJB18 posted:
carsntrains posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
carsntrains posted:

I got all the choo choos out of mean wifes china cabinet!  All but 2 of them fit in the toolbox .. Lost a wheel set off of a tanker car somewhere???  Can't find it.  Tried to get wife to help.  NAAAAA   On a good note our daughter came over and brought us dinner for my birthday (Monday)  Had some Jamaican pork wraps w/dirty rice,and jerk chicken!!  Was pretty good!  Trying to figure out how to gain some more room for the layout..    HMMMMMMM   

Jim : ) 

I still don’t understand how your trains got in the china cabinet???? I wouldn’t be able to fit a bobber caboose in ours!!  LOL

Well I’m glad you got yours moved!!  You will find the missing wheel set after you replace it with a new one!  Might as well just buy a new one now.  ;-)

Yeah I know what you are saying!!! I put them in there when I first started taking down the living room table layout.   I seem to remember it coming out of the truck some time ago..  Probably in a set box somewhere.   I did find an engine that I forgot I had : )  and some Christmas cars that I got and forgot I put them in there !  I'll try to get you a picture of the tool box ..  My camera person aint being too helpful tonight lol 


Trains in the china cabinet would be a non-starter in my house. The CEO is barely tolerating trains in the basement

Happy Birthday Jim! That dinner sounds good. Does your daughter deliver?????

dishes down, trains up !!!  paper dishes work just fine ! no dishes to wash ! more train time


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Adriatic posted:

   These are GE like the 44t too. At Fords as 125t & 132t. Solid blue, solid black, or red. I've read the red was solid too and I suspect the red here is photoshopped as I only saw a blk&wht version for many years. The color shot only appeared for me for the first time about 4 years ago.

I love chrome!, You know  this is on my top ten list of "somedays"

th [13)th [12)

I did some research this morning on Google regarding center cab diesels.

The 44 tonner was popular because it was light weight and could navigate sharp curves to service warehouses on sidings, etc.

The 70 and 95 tonner diesels were more commonly end cab, not center cab. Maybe like the NW2 Lionchief plus in the 2018 Lionel catalogue. From reading another thread in January, as long as that locomotive is in good working order, customers on this Forum seem very happy with that NW2. Would love to know does it consistently produce good smoke, can it pull 10 postwar operating cars with its one motor? Are the sounds satisfactory? Are you still happy you bought it?


RSJB18 posted:

Arnold- I just picked up a WBB 44 ton NH switcher. All conventional with a tru-blast horn. It's a nice loco. Pulls anything I put behind it.

2018-01-13 07.58.262018-01-13 07.58.392018-01-13 07.58.49

It’s absolutely gorgeous. NH just as good as B&O. 

What does WBB stand for? Is that Williams By Bachman? Must be.

If only it had smoke. I love smoking diesels, smoking engines if all kinds. Funny thing is, I don’t  Smoke. Only thing that smokes in my house are the trains. LMAO

Deuce posted:
Deuce posted:
JD2035RR posted:
Deuce posted:

I'm a dummy.  Figured it out. Was using an MTH lighted lockon and had it wired up backwards. Wired it up correctly and it worked just fine. 

I do have a question though ... how durable are those 1122 switches? Do I run the chance of burning the motors on them out by running my engine over them a lot when doing the Inglenook siding puzzle? I'd imagine it won't be an issue, but don't want to find out the hard way that it was.

Oh and that small Vulcan LC engine? It's about as delicate as a hammer. Thing either flies in the forward direction, or flies in the reverse. Is there a way to slow this thing down? I suppose throttling down the transformer might help a bit? Having a speed other than "breakneck" would be useful.

Glad it was an easy fix. 

Im curious how the LC operates on lower fixed voltage?

I'm going to give it a whirl when I'm able to get back out there.  Got a sleeping kiddo on my lap right now. 

Set a CW40 to 35% and ran the LC Vulcan. It ran pretty well, and at much slower speed than "breakneck". It got hung up a couple of times on the 1122 switches, where it just died, but otherwise it ran just well. That was with only 1 lock-on powering the track as well. So I think throttling down the transformer is a viable alternative.

  You can likely do a back to back diode or BR voltage drop on the motor if you can fit them. Even one diode pair should help a bit if it is real touchy and jackrabbit starts. 

But then there is that pesky warranty.

I think I recall someone else running a LC at 14-16v a few years ago.

briansilvermustang posted:

  " Dishes are overrated anyway"    for that matter, I think the kitchen is overrated too !

                                                     Daytona today! 



Brian - Daytona!  It's been a long 3 months.  Now that Junior has retired, I think I'll watch Bill Elliot's kid,Chase.  It's amazing how when the good ones retire, that these young guns move in and take over.  Watched the race yesterday and thought that it would never end, 4 OT's, I think.

I like your Kitchen passenger car display!  The Kitchen is the heart of the home.

****, I thought the race was next week. I cut the cable a few weeks ago and it saved

me about $70 a month. Got a $20 digital antenna on amazon to pick up free air channels. 

I was gonna get more coax this week so i could locate it better. Anyway I could not get fox

this morning so was trying to relocate it. Dropped the antenna on the floor while i was trying

to hang it, and bingo, perfect reception so it is still laying on the floor. 


beardog posted:

****, I thought the race was next week. I cut the cable a few weeks ago and it saved

me about $70 a month. Got a $20 digital antenna on amazon to pick up free air channels. 

I was gonna get more coax this week so i could locate it better. Anyway I could not get fox

this morning so was trying to relocate it. Dropped the antenna on the floor while i was trying

to hang it, and bingo, perfect reception so it is still laying on the floor. 


Ha, ha, ha, LOL.

Last night I talked myself out of going to a train show in Hamburg NY. I figured two tanks of gas, 3 hours each way, 8.00 dollars to get in I figured I would save my money for York. This afternoon I scribbed a line down the center and stained the wood between the rails, and painted the approaches concrete color. I'll put a second coat on later. I'm happy with the way it came out so far. Then I glued down what brick paper I had left. I ordered more which should come tomorrow so I can finish off the rest of the streets. I cut some narrow strips of plaster wrap and glued them down along the edge of the table. When that dries I'll add some plaster to it. On the other side I will add more sidewalk when it comes in. That has been it so far today. Pics.................Paul



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Now wait for this guys!!!   The CHINA CABINET is full of ................ SNOOPY STUFF!!!!   My trains were only in one side of the bottom. Its Grandmas cabinet but no dishes!!! LOL     

On a serious note.     I oiled that old 666 marx engine and slapped in on the track.   Dang thing runs!!  Pretty good too!   Needs a good take down and cleaning.    But I am impressed!!  


paul 2 posted:

Last night I talked myself out of going to a train show in Hamburg NY. I figured two tanks of gas, 3 hours each way, 8.00 dollars to get in I figured I would save my money for York. This afternoon I scribbed a line down the center and stained the wood between the rails, and painted the approaches concrete color. I'll put a second coat on later. I'm happy with the way it came out so far. Then I glued down what brick paper I had left. I ordered more which should come tomorrow so I can finish off the rest of the streets. I cut some narrow strips of plaster wrap and glued them down along the edge of the table. When that dries I'll add some plaster to it. On the other side I will add more sidewalk when it comes in. That has been it so far today. Pics.................Paul


Nice work on the wood planks Paul! Everything is coming together nice~! Keep up the great work Paul. I am sure you will find something at York to spend your money on! LOL

paul 2 posted:

Last night I talked myself out of going to a train show in Hamburg NY. I figured two tanks of gas, 3 hours each way, 8.00 dollars to get in I figured I would save my money for York. This afternoon I scribbed a line down the center and stained the wood between the rails, and painted the approaches concrete color. I'll put a second coat on later. I'm happy with the way it came out so far. Then I glued down what brick paper I had left. I ordered more which should come tomorrow so I can finish off the rest of the streets. I cut some narrow strips of plaster wrap and glued them down along the edge of the table. When that dries I'll add some plaster to it. On the other side I will add more sidewalk when it comes in. That has been it so far today. Pics.................Paul


I'd think the wood between the rails would be a very dark grimy grey after a train had passed over that crossing a few times. Just saying.

carsntrains posted:

Now wait for this guys!!!   The CHINA CABINET is full of ................ SNOOPY STUFF!!!!   My trains were only in one side of the bottom. Its Grandmas cabinet but no dishes!!! LOL     

On a serious note.     I oiled that old 666 marx engine and slapped in on the track.   Dang thing runs!!  Pretty good too!   Needs a good take down and cleaning.    But I am impressed!!  


Jim I am with you, but you forgot, it use to be grandma's cabinet. Now its the wife's Cabinet and she rules what goes in there! Only Important stuff! LOL

Nice to hear it only took a little oil. You can clean it at the same time you clean the cabinet!~ LOL

carsntrains posted:

Now wait for this guys!!!   The CHINA CABINET is full of ................ SNOOPY STUFF!!!!   My trains were only in one side of the bottom. Its Grandmas cabinet but no dishes!!! LOL     

On a serious note.     I oiled that old 666 marx engine and slapped in on the track.   Dang thing runs!!  Pretty good too!   Needs a good take down and cleaning.    But I am impressed!!  


   Avoid pulling the wheels unless you absolutely have to. It may be the last time they come off, may not stay when but back on leaving it with "grab it by the wheels syndrome" and eventually, "one wheel peel".(but it will still run, lol)

But when bushing time comes, Robert Grossman Co. for the most parts.


decoynh posted:
briansilvermustang posted:

" Dishes are overrated anyway"    for that matter, I think the kitchen is overrated too !


I like your Kitchen passenger car display!  The Kitchen is the heart of the home.


Matt, that shelf will actually 2 main lines going thru the wall where the paper towels are now, back to the "city" train room... sense I can't get IZZY to go get a beer from the fridge, soon Sherri can send me back snacks and a cold one via rail... can't wait to get that going...




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Last edited by briansilvermustang

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