Had a frustrating couple days working on the layout, but think that I am back on track again now. I was measuring and cutting rural two-lane roads out of Masonite. I thought I had them the way that I wanted, so I painted them with aged concrete color paint and let them dry. The next day I added striping for lane markers and then used black chalk to weather them. The next day I thought that they were too dark, so I rubbed more chalk off with a damp rag.
Yesterday I went down and glued them in place thinking they were good. Next I had bought some Woodland Scenics grade crossing timbers and tested them for fit. I discovered that I had cut the roadway 3/4" short to work with this material! I couldn't believe it. So today I was in damage control mode and finally got things figured out so they will look good. And naturally the worst problem was right at the front edge of the layout where it is most visible. Murphy's Law was working overtime on this one.
Hey, I only had to replace 7 pieces of Masonite it could have been worse. They are painted and I will stripe and weather them tomorrow. That is just the front road, the other two are on the back side and will get redone tomorrow I hope. Some days are better than others.