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There's a recent article in one of the publications about moving switch throws to the outside edge of the layout.  I thought the scenic integration with recessed stone walls particularly clever.  There are a number spurs on my layout that likely won't get switch machines attached.  They will get this treatment to avoid the all mighty hand of Clod from scenic mishaps.I


M. Mitchell Marmel posted:

A tale of two cabooses (cabeese?  Whatever.  Save this picture for when someone asks what the difference between "scale"  and "classic" is... ) ;-) 



The NYC caboose is a ca. 1990 Lionel offering.  Somewhat odd construction as it has bar-end postwar trucks as opposed to a more modern MPC-era type.   It has a working smoke chimney (the Mickster was surprised to learn this; he'd operated the caboose for years without being aware of the feature) with a cam on the rear inside axle to operate the smoke piston.   This made putting a second pickup on the truck somewhat challenging;  I wound up modifying a 482-3 roller base plate to accommodate the cam.   In addition, the caboose only had one bulb under the cupola,  which meant that the front windows weren't lit very well.  So,  I fastened a 12v grain of wheat bulb to the center window frame,  lighting the front windows. 


I have the same NYC caboose Mitch. I didn't know it smoked either. Learn something new every time I surf this forum. Now I gotta get home to investigate. You are right about the size difference of this one too. Mine doesn't make it through the tunnel on the back corner of my layout. I need to bring the sandhogs in to do some more excavating of the ROW.

I received my C&O NW-2 yesterday. Looks great, can't wait to try it on the layout this weekend. Watch for pix on SWSat tomorrow.


Paul, Thank you!!  Well, isn't it always something?!  Moving the ground throws, makes for a burp in your great authentic looking scenery.  Mike does have an answer, but I don't know if you want to update your roster to all 44-tonners no matter how great they look!

Brian, Boston and Maine today!!  I like the doodlebug a lot!

Colorado, Sounds like the hospitalization did the trick for you!  I too would like to see some photographs if you can get them!

Bob, I got an older Lionel Western Maryland bayside caboose from a Forum member recently, and didn't realize it smoked until the smoke started drifting out!  Quite a surprise when I keep the engine smoke turned off in the house because of my wife's asthma.  Fortunately, back in the 11x11 room where I had it, I can open the sliding glass door and direct the smoke out.   Congratulations on the C&O NW-2!!

Pat, I always like your neat scenes!!

Hi all, I got all the pre wiring done on my bench work today. Now when I get more plywood I can start putting the top on. All the power runs and wire for switches are in. I am not going to run wire yet for buildings as I am not sure where I am going to put them all and don't want to waste wire!20181005_09433920181005_09434720181005_094406                                          Next will be to work on the power cart, attaching the 10 amp breaker, then to blocks. I still have to get an AIU down the road, but no hurry right now as I have no switches either! LOL


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Mike, nice neat wiring job. Best way to do it.......before the table tops go on. Yesterday I got a package from Scenic Express. They had a 15% off weekend and I wanted to try a new item from Martin Walberg. I like his product but it is a tad on the pricy side. Today I got the whole brewery area wired. Ran the 44 tonner through all the switches and track and only have one small trouble spot. The one switch that has the siding to the silos seems to be a little tight for the 44 tonner to negotiate. No big deal I'll just back a few cars into the siding before the engine hits the switch. It does go straight through with no problem. Now I can start to put all the building flats back aloing with the buildings. Fir future use I have three more wires I ran to the table which I can use for both accessory voltages on the Z4000 and also a line for DC. Tomorrow morning heading for the Berea train show at the fair grounds.....Pics........Paul 



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Looking good Paul! Thanks for the nice words on my wiring! I am trying to keep it as neat as I can for trouble shooting! But you never know when wiring, some box car might screw you up!

Becareful at the train show, it sounds like Bryan is going to be there also so bring the body guards! LOL

Installed all but 3 joists on the next 16 foot section, made some minor track plan modifications in RR Track software and then started laying out some plywood which will need to be cut to the shape of the roadbed.   Mainly needed to ensure that as the upper level drops at a 1.5% rate and the lower rises at the same rate, I will still have clearance for the "interchange track to disappear" into a tunnel.   Looks like I am good to go, so I'll probably have some good quality plywood cut to sizes I can carry this weekend and get the roadbed finalized.   

Mike G:   One thing you could consider regarding building lighting wiring,  I run a multi-wire bus through every module that I am building that carries a variety of fixed voltages:   12 VDC,  12 and 16 Volt AC.   I branch off the 12 VDC at a terminal strip and run most of my building LED lighting through those relatively inexpensive DC-DC voltage regulators.   The different AC voltages are available for different switch manufacturer's switch machines and uncoupling tracks..   

Mark:  Check your email, I found some photos that I emailed to you of my old layout in Maine showing upper lower level area like your planning and some bridge pier ideas that minimize the required height of the upper level.   

Paul,  things are looking good in the warehouse district.   




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Up early this morning. Decided to go to the Berea Train show this morning instead of tomorrow. And with the wiring done on the island table when I get back from the show I am going to focus on the scrap iron yard and wire up the legacy crane and sound shed. Probably will run into my "BUDDY" Bryan there but there are plenty of security guards around LOL.....................Paul

paul 2 posted:

Up early this morning. Decided to go to the Berea Train show this morning instead of tomorrow. And with the wiring done on the island table when I get back from the show I am going to focus on the scrap iron yard and wire up the legacy crane and sound shed. Probably will run into my "BUDDY" Bryan there but there are plenty of security guards around LOL.....................Paul

I’m glad you got to go, Paul!!  I was awake until 3:00 with arthritis pain, probably aggravated by hiking down and up the hill with the sewer contractors looking over the 500+ foot sewer tap in at my dad’s house, then pushing his mower around for 1 1/2 hours!  As a result, I got up at 9:00, but didn’t feel like sitting in the car for the trip!  I hope you and Bryan did well!  I do hope to still get over to your place.  I’ll email you off the Forum.

Been back from the Berea Ohio show for a while. Usually the weather at this time of the year for that show is rain or sleet or just plain cold. This year 70 plus temps. Got to the show a little after it opened at 9:00. My "BUDDY" Bryan was at the gate to greet me. We ended up going through a building together before he had to go do something.  Compared to last years show I thought this one was sparse as to sellers and venders. The building Bryan and I went to had half the tables it did last year. All I came out with after going through the four buildings was a Railroad T shirt for the TH&B. Heading to the basement to work on the Legacy crane and shed...............Paul

paul 2 posted:

Been back from the Berea Ohio show for a while. Usually the weather at this time of the year for that show is rain or sleet or just plain cold. This year 70 plus temps. Got to the show a little after it opened at 9:00. My "BUDDY" Bryan was at the gate to greet me. We ended up going through a building together before he had to go do something.  Compared to last years show I thought this one was sparse as to sellers and venders. The building Bryan and I went to had half the tables it did last year. All I came out with after going through the four buildings was a Railroad T shirt for the TH&B. Heading to the basement to work on the Legacy crane and shed...............Paul

Paul, I went to the show also. I was a little more fortunate in that I found a postwar Lionel #404 Baggage-Mail RDC for a great price and since I also collect Revell HO in the original box I found a rare Suburban House.. Not  a great selection of postwar though which is what I was mostly looking for. Of course if you were looking for a 6017 caboose there were hundreds of them. But for sure it got HOT!


Hope the recuperation is a quick one.  I fully understand the problems with being mobility restricted and then unavoidably overdoing it.  I can be laid up for a few days after tackling a couple of slightly strenuous tasks.  Really bites!  Especially after spending most of my working life in a moderately physical job.  I too have started skipping the more distant train shows simply because the drive doesn't seem possible without having to pay for it later.  Layout progress has suffered because of these " growing old gracefully " pains as well.  

Glass half full?  Fortunately, the hobby has so many facets to it that there never is a shortage of avenues in which to delve.  I perceive it as one of the few all encompassing activities that holds no rules or limits.  Total immersion in any number of skills with absolute freedom in creativity.  Never a dull moment!

Get well, Mark.


M. Mitchell Marmel posted:
RSJB18 posted:

I have the same NYC caboose Mitch. I didn't know it smoked either. Learn something new every time I surf this forum. Now I gotta get home to investigate.

Keep us posted!   


So I checked out my NYC caboose and it does not have a smoke unit. It does have an end of train beacon on the rear roof. I guess Lionel made several models of this car. Mine is P/N 6-19754, instruction sheet is dated 10/97.


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Bruce, Thank you.  Half full?  Maybe 3/4 full.  I’m in better shape than lots of folks my age!  No debilitating diseases that I know of.  Mine is mostly arthritic.  You are right, there are so many things we can do in this hobby, we can always find something to do no matter how we feel!

I’ve been working in electronics (mostly power and telecom industries) for over 42 years now. I spent too much time crawling on hard floors, stooped in low cabinets, up on ladders, and out in the cold.  I did get to take a desk job 10 years ago, but now I can’t stay seated very long, before a break!  I have lots of stretching exercises that get me limbered up!  I’m getting along just fine!!!

Last edited by Mark Boyce

Next year OGR should put together a conversation area with tables for the Cleveland members and others to gather and talk.  I was at the show with my mother who walked more today than in the past year.  She was a real trooper. She could have used a place to sit and talk. 

It was nice to see Bryan, and I probably walk past some of you, I'm sure.  The mid-morning rain freshened the fair grounds, and it became a beautiful sunny day.  I did notice a good number of walkers and canes.  I will fit in nicely next year.

Sincerely, John Rowlen

John Rowlen posted:

Next year OGR should put together a conversation area with tables for the Cleveland members and others to gather and talk.  I was at the show with my mother who walked more today than in the past year.  She was a real trooper. She could have used a place to sit and talk. 

It was nice to see Bryan, and I probably walk past some of you, I'm sure.  The mid-morning rain freshened the fair grounds, and it became a beautiful sunny day.  I did notice a good number of walkers and canes.  I will fit in nicely next year.

Sincerely, John Rowlen

John, I was at the show today also. Picked up a few nice pieces but boy was it humid!

Mark Boyce posted:
paul 2 posted:

Up early this morning. Decided to go to the Berea Train show this morning instead of tomorrow. And with the wiring done on the island table when I get back from the show I am going to focus on the scrap iron yard and wire up the legacy crane and sound shed. Probably will run into my "BUDDY" Bryan there but there are plenty of security guards around LOL.....................Paul

I’m glad you got to go, Paul!!  I was awake until 3:00 with arthritis pain, probably aggravated by hiking down and up the hill with the sewer contractors looking over the 500+ foot sewer tap in at my dad’s house, then pushing his mower around for 1 1/2 hours!  As a result, I got up at 9:00, but didn’t feel like sitting in the car for the trip!  I hope you and Bryan did well!  I do hope to still get over to your place.  I’ll email you off the Forum.

Mark I feel your pain I also have severe arthritis. In my hands, hips and knees That’s why I switch to O gauge from HO a few years ago and the people in O gauge have a much better attitude. 

Ripped out my layout's 2 track yard/2 track engine service area and turned it into a 3 track yard/1 track engine service area. The yard had previously used Lionel 042 switches and had 027 curves on the two long yard tracks. It now has 042 Ross switches and all 3 yard tracks have 042 curves. Got everything wired and ballasted as well. 12 hour project. I still have to paint some of the new track and add details but that will come after the glue for the ballast dries 😉.




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RSJB18 posted:

So I checked out my NYC caboose and it does not have a smoke unit. It does have an end of train beacon on the rear roof. I guess Lionel made several models of this car. Mine is P/N 6-19754, instruction sheet is dated 10/97.

Don't have a p/n, but the construction date on the side of the car is "BLT 1-90".  I assume that bacon, lettuce and tomato sammiches were popular at Lionel around then?   


Instead of working on the layout, We’re out railranning. Just caught the NS 8102 Pennsy at Harris tower. She met with another train that I couldn’t identify that had an SD60E. Pennsy was trailing 4th with 2 SD40Es behind it numbers 6316 and 6318. 

Edit: just looked down the tracks and saw the NS 8104 waiting  down by the Amtrak Station. This marks the second Ns heritage unit in 5 minutes for me and the 6th special interest unit today. I cannot believe that we just saw two NS heritage units in a row. I will post pictures later.

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I'm no expert on weathering or painting, but seeing my boxcars running around shiny and the interior basically same color as outside, etc. I decided to paint the flooring and use powder to bring out the flooring, using brown oxide the wheels and dull the shiny sides with Matte Flat rattle cans. May not be the best, but they sure look better running around the layout now. Took less then 1/2 hour on each Boxcar and will do more now.



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Last edited by josef
gandydancer1950 posted:
John Rowlen posted:

Next year OGR should put together a conversation area with tables for the Cleveland members and others to gather and talk.  I was at the show with my mother who walked more today than in the past year.  She was a real trooper. She could have used a place to sit and talk. 

It was nice to see Bryan, and I probably walk past some of you, I'm sure.  The mid-morning rain freshened the fair grounds, and it became a beautiful sunny day.  I did notice a good number of walkers and canes.  I will fit in nicely next year.

Sincerely, John Rowlen

John, I was at the show today also. Picked up a few nice pieces but boy was it humid!

Hoping to not get too off the subject, but seeing this comment about OGR guys get together at Berea abd I saw yesterday in the A trip to Mercer and Corner Field topic that Thom , Andy, and Dave of the Pittsburgh Independent HiRailers went to see Tom Sr & Tom Jr Elesh's CornerField layout and store.  It made me think that it would be cool if the OGR Cleveland area folks made a group trip there.  I went with the Ohio TCA chapter and even though I only knew a couple guys before, it was a great time.  I defiantly want to go back!  In fact, I would be up for joining with you folks since it's only 2 hours from Butler, Penna.

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