Hi all, I am in the process of building my yard and was wondering what type of power do you guys recommend to powering the yard. My yard is going to consist of 6 Ross #4 switches to form a 6 track ladder style yard. I currently have 4 main lines that are powered by 2 Z4000s I plan to purchase another Z4000 down the road to give my main lines and grades more power. I was thinking maybe for my yard either use a Lionel 180 power brick since the price is much cheaper then buying another Z4000 right now. I am running DCS and Legacy. I only have one TIU that is maxed out using all 4 inputs/outputs for my 4 main lines. After I finish building the yard and getting it up and fully functional I am going to build a Roundhouse yard that will be in another section of the layout not near my 6 track ladder yard.
My questions are
1. should I just go with the power brick for my 6 track yard or would it be better to power my yard with a Z4000?
2. Would I need another TIU to feed DCS and Legacy to my yard or can I just tie in the brick power somehow with my existing TIU?
You're thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Link to my layout video - http://youtu.be/WkR77FqpryA