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Very simple to add lighting. Add a 2328-173 collector, 2328-170 insulation and a #6x3/8 screw to mount the collector to the truck. Use a 8030-14 lamp socket for the rear headlight and a 8352-320 lamp socket for the front headlight. Solder a wire on the truck stud for ground for the front headlight ground. The rear headlight socket is grounded to the frame with the mounting clip.

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It's great that there are parts to add pickups to those trucks, I don't see those enough to know all the in's and out's of that vintage product.

There is no problem using LED's powered from track power, you just have to add the proper current limiting and reverse voltage protection.  Of course, without active controls, there will be no directional lighting, just lights.

Stans suggestion of a wire between the dummy and the paired engine is the easiest and cheapest way to add lighting to a dummy.  A single small, stranded wire is all that is usually needed as a common wire can be hooked up in the dummy contacting the outside common rail.  If the AA engines are always paired you may not need to provide a way or plugs to unhook the wire between them.


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