I have a circuit board for locomotives I've been developing and I'm considering shopping it around to a couple locomotive manufacturers. Does anyone have any experience with locomotive manufacturing companies and know which ones (if any) are open to product development ideas or technology?
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Well everyone is open to new ideas. The question is do YOU have the correct protection so your product is not "reengineered" in the process of examination?
We are always interested in new electronic developments for our locomotives. I am the technical assessor for Darstaed, you can present proposals to me in the first instance.
Contact me on my attached email or via my website, www.theogaugeguy.com
Thanks, yes PRRHorseshoeCurve that pitfall is obviously a huge concern. Just because you can execute a good idea doesn't mean success. I wish I new who has the white hats out there and who has the black hats. I'll make sure my papers are in order before diving in.
Dave Allen - I will get my act together and contact you directly. Thanks!
gigasaurus -
Just today I filed a Provisional Patent Application for an idea (electronics) I have related to model trains. If it turns out into an actual patent, it would be my 10th, but the first related to model trains.
The provisional costs a lot less, and even if you use an attorney, which I did, it still costs about a tenth of the non-provisional app. You can do the provisional on your own, but even after doing nine applications before this one, and reviewing dozens of patents for work, I am glad I used an attorney.
The provisional gives you a year to file the non-provisional, and in the meantime your idea is protected (patent pending) and you can more safely attempt to market it.
Go the the USPTO website and read about it, here:
And good luck!
P.S. BTW, Dave Allen would be a great guy with whom to work.
I've had 2 Patents get issued and several more pending (or dieing). It can take years and several revisions back and forth with the Lawyers and the Patent office. If you feel strongly don't give up getting a Patent, but don't be in a hurry!
Gigasaurus, I should also add, we are planning to bring a lot of manufacturing to the US. This will commence with rolling stock, which we do in a limited way already, and locomotives after that, although we already do some limited loco assembly in the US at present. In addition we will be building a new range of tin plate buildings and accessories in the US. We eventually, will be a major player in US O gauge manufacturing.
Wow you guys - this has turned into a great thread for me. Exactly the kind of info I was looking for - Thanks so much!