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I purchase reproduction wire harnesses on EBay. I've purchased a few and have been very happy with them. I think they come cut to size and pre-tinned, all ready to be soldered. (Haven't done one in a few months).

In general, if you are having trouble stripping the cloth covered wire, it could be your wire strippers. After using a friends wire stripper while doing some house work I went out and bought my own. Using them is like day and night over the strippers I had been using for many years.

I purchased two to cover the range of wire I thought I would work with:

Klein Tools 11057 Wire Stripper and Cutter for 20-30 AWG Solid Wire and 22-32 AWG Stranded Wire


Klein Tools 11055 Wire Stripper and Cutter for 10-18 AWG Solid Wire and 12-20 AWG Stranded Wire     

And here is the fellow that I have purchased harnesses from several times. I do not know him, so I have no idea whether he goes to York. I just like his harnesses. He makes a few different ones.

Wire harness


Last edited by C W Burfle

How do you keep the cloth insulation from unraveling?  Superglue?

If the insulation is cut cleanly, it doesn't seem to unravel significantly.
But the other day I did have a problem with the lead wire from a 1950's Lionel smoke unit unraveling excessively. I used Super Glue. I don't think I ever had to do that before.

Take a look at the link I provided above.
The seller dresses the ends of the jacket.

I used tone arm wire years ago when tone arms were being used in most households.

I have a few hanks of four conductor tone arm wire that I picked up years ago. I know I've used some of it, but I don't remember where. I purchased it for a specific project. It is extremely light gauge.

I have a full assortment of the various wires and cables that were originally sold by Charlie Clark years ago. The last few spools came from Jill Sisco (as Martin mentioned above). I think she has good prices on it.
Jill also sells bulbs and miscellaneous parts.

Last edited by C W Burfle

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