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Fantastic Walt!!  Mine goes up Friday! My wife has a cookie party every year and my trains go up the day AFTER the party. A few years ago her pals managed to flatten several pieces of track!! 


It's safer to wait til her little party is over! Now my girls and I have had the carpet R/R going in the basement for a few weeks!!

Originally Posted by Gregg:

I know you've been on the forum for quite a while Walt. How many Christmas layouts have you built? Every one of them  has been great. Merry Christmas.

Well Gregg, I got married in 1974 (I think) and started my first personally owned Christmas layout that year and have done so every year since.


I started getting a bit more carried away about 17 years ago though.  I started hosting an annual Train Party for my entire family and that's the year I started getting a bit more serious about its size and quality.


Saturday I had 25 family members there.  11 kids.  Just a great day.  And for the first year ever, nothing on the layout got destroyed!!!  YEAH!!!!


Anyone with a layout has to have kids over - they are such a great reminder of how much fun and enjoyment can be had with a layout.  I know it adds to my enjoyment.


- walt

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