I had enough 2333 F3's come into the shop with melted insulation on the wire from the P/U's, I always replaced it with 20 gauge wire.
I also gave customers the options of adding a second pick-up on the rear truck to improve performance through switches, etc. It would also reduce the current load through the front P/U power feed wire.
To add a second pick-up you need:
622-134 Collector Assy x1
2333-34 Collector Insulator x 1
2333-42 Insulating Washer x 2
671-112 Insulating Spacer x 2
4-40 x 3/8 RH screw x 2
20 gauge wire 6 - 8 in long
Save to original truck bottom cover and screws if you want to be able to restore it to original condition at some point.