I've been in the process of fixing and upgrading an old PS1 steam engine to PS3 (big thanks to everyone who's helped so far on my other post relating to this engine). I finally have all the parts I need to finish the re-assembly and the last step is to hook up the tender pickup-roller that I custom added to the engine back when it was still PS-1.
As shown in the picture, I've attached a dual-roller to an insulating piece of wood that happens to be the exact correct thickness to set the rollers at the proper height to contact the middle rail, while also avoiding the tender's axles. A wire soldered to the side of the roller travels into the same slot as the wires for the rear coupler. This all worked very well with PS-1, so I'm hoping it will work the same with PS-3.
The thing I want to be sure of is the correct wire to splice this "hot" lead into. The PS-1 board was simple, but the PS-3 board has many more wires traveling through the tether to the engine and I want to be sure I am splicing into the correct "hot" lead that comes from the two rollers on the locomotive.
The wiring diagram included with the PS-3 upgrade kit is in black-and-white (which doesnt help at all), so I want to be absolutely sure.
As a follow-up question: I would also like the "ground" (outside rails) to have connection though the tender as well. Is the whole tender body grounded to the outside rails already? And does the PS-3 board connect to the body for this purpose? In the 2nd picture, you can see a black wire coming from the board and connecting to an attachment point on the body. I believe this is a ground wire, but I'm not sure if it will act as a proper complete circuit in the way I intend.
Thanks in advance for any advice!
-John M.